Sound Changes - Conlang Crash Course 101

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While I'm still working on that big Grammar chapter, I might as well get sound changes out of the way. This is going to be a sort of mini-chapter about phonological changes as the proto-language evolves into a "modern-day" language.

FIrst to note are the vowels.

Many new vowels pop up. These include /ø/, /ɪ/ (the 'i' in 'tip'), /ä/ (the 'a' in 'bra'; American/Australian pronunciation) and /ɔ/ (the 'o' in 'not'; Recieved Pronunciation. the 'ough' in 'thought'; American/Scottish pronunciation).

New consonants also come in too. /ð/ (the 'th' in 'the'), /ɕ/ and /ts/ (the 'tes' in 'mates').

However, some consonants have been wiped off as well! These disappearing consonants are: /h/ and /ɣ/. [H] will be a silent letter or will disappear entirely. /ɣ/ will be replaced with /x/ and /g/.


/ø/ = ö
/ɪ/ = î
/ä/ = å
/ð/ = dh
/ɕ/ = x
/ts/ = ts

So yeah, that's it. Let's look at some examples of proto-words and newer words.

ENGLISH = goat cheese
PROTO-T'ELKHÛEQĪNG = maghaghūs [maɣaɣuːs]
T'ELKHÛEQĪNG = magîgöx [magɪgøɕ]

ENGLISH = language
PROTO-T'ELKHÛEQĪNG = takhī  [taxiː]
T'ELKHÛEQĪNG = tsåkhī [t͡säxiː]

ENGLISH = mountain
T'ELKHÛEQĪNG = morh [moʁ]

ENGLISH = gold
PROTO-T'ELKHÛEQĪNG = hamōrhda [hamoːʁda]
T'ELKHÛEQĪNG = åmörhtsa [ämøʁt͡sa]

So, uh... yeah. I think that covers this shorter chapter. I hope you liked it! 

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