chapter 2

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my team was quite curious by the massive case that i brought into our dorm

"what is it" ren asked

"i have no clue, a friend of mine gave it to me" i said nora deciding this would be a good excuse decided to invite team RWBY for some unknown reason

"look there's a note" ruby said taking the note from the end of the case and handed to me choosing to be polite of her friends privacy i opened the note

if you are reading this then erza has been able to return this to you, weather you have left or not you are still a member of the family, we do not blame you for leaving, and i especially understand, if you return you will be welcomed with open arms, and a loving embrace

yours always

i was confused by the letter, as i handed it to pyrrha who handed it around the room

"that's cryptic you think it's from your family" yang asked

"no, they would have actually signed it to avoid confusion" i said then it hit me

"alice" i whispered as i opened the latches on the case opening the case itself

what sat inside was a beautiful set of armor one of which that weiss recognized

"YOUR AFFILIATED WITH THE INTEGRITY KNIGHTS" she shouted the integrity knights were well known as the military arm of the red sword of superbia, one of the six known factions since the golden sword of ira, was apart of all six

"i was yes" i said

"then that means you've been faking" weiss said disgusted

"what do you mean weiss" blake asked

"the integrity knights are the strongest most elite warriors on remnant, no one can beat them"

"well, yes and no, i haven't been faking necessarily i have purposefully sabotaged myself, i have never trained with a sword and shield before the academy, crocea mors isn't the weapon that goes with this armor, that is with another old friend, until someone replaces me, the one who wrote this letter is my former fiance and fellow integrity knight, alice zuberg" i explained

"why" pyrrha asked why would he purposefully make himself weaker

"i was not born into kentoria as you all know i came from argus mistral, i ran away and accidentally found myself upon the shores of the dragon continent where fanatio found me i was only nine at the time she took me brought me back to health and had me tested, i am a master, for your knowledge what rank and faction i will keep to myself" i said

"did you obtain an initiator" weiss asked curiously

"i did, if you are wondering what it is like, let us just say, the rest of remnant would be disgusted by it" i said

"why" nora asked

"for one thing slavery is legal, in fact it is common for initiators to make themselves slaves to their masters, to ease things along, and make their respective master worry less, a masters first initiator is typically a slave that the guild buys for you if you don't already have one, i was taken to the slave house and given a slave, it was that slave, her name was haruhime that taught me a lot of how the continent operated and the culture and politics of it" i said

"what's the big deal of it, i mean slavery is wrong yes, but i know you jaune you probably treated her really well" ruby asked

"i did my best to yes, but because initiators are always women they are required to prove their obedience by a specific ceremony and then they are required once the master in question is old enough to submit themselves to their master sexually" i replied causing everyone besides ruby to stare at me in shock ruby was confused

"what does sexually mean" ruby asked

"ask your sister" i said as yang dragged her out of the room to be given the 'talk'

"what happens when the master is female" blake asked

"they must marry a male master, one as strong as them, to make the next generation strong, a male master, is also highly recommended to marry, but because they are fucking their initiators well they aren't required" i said

"so this alice was to be your wife" pyrrha asked trying very hard to contain her jealousy

"she was, and i did actually love it's a reason why i left, i felt she could do much better then me" i said sadly

"how strong are you, when you aren't sabotaging yourself" blake asked

"i was one of the fastest integrity knights alive, and my blade was very nearly unmatched and that was without using my initiator, lord duesolbert, even gave me a title, what that title is i will keep to myself" i said at this point ruby and yang had returned ruby blushing furiously

"who can be initiator, and who can be a master" ren asked

"anyone can be an initiator, but becoming one is a gruesome thing, there is no way around it, as for the latter, a master is only that of a lord of one of the seven factions if you aren't a lord you can't be a master, for example, one of my former initiators was chosen to be a lord of the silver faction her name is erza scarlet" i said

"how are the seven kings chosen" weiss asked this was a question she always wanted answered

"there are two ways, the first being that you are the first to be apart of that faction, the second is if your line dies out there is a vote by the lords of the faction on who is to become the knew king, this vote is taken in private in a stronghold of an ally of that faction to avoid any backstabbing" i explained 

"what faction are you apart of" pyrrha asked

"i'll not say, i will say this it is possible for you to be apart of several factions, for example say you are a lord of the green faction but you joined the blue faction instead, this has happened before, when you are blessed with your power it may come from one particular faction, but that does not set in stone that you necessarily have to be apart of the that faction politically, i am not apart of the red faction, but i was a proud member of their integrity knights, one reason why i was to marry alice" i said

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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