Kentucky Derby

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Hi my name is Alex. I'm thirteen years old. I'm going to the Kentucky derby today with my best friend, Alice, steve, and joe. today's my first time going to the Kentucky derby, I hope I will have fun!!!!
~ Later that day at the Kentucky Derby~
Yay I can't believe I'm at the Kentucky derby!! BOOM'!! I hear a crash and screaming! I look over and I see fire an dead body's my friends are telling me to come on so I did I was to scared to help anyone. A plane or something mast of crashed or something I yell. I turn around to see me boyfriend Joe on the ground bleeding I ran back there to see what was going on with him and he told me to run to leave him and not turn back an it was to late for him that he would die anyway. I am so scared that I would never recover from that. But this was only the start.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2015 ⏰

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