"Stay close," whispered Dottore as he kept me within arms reach.

We passed by many weapon stores and I was terribly intrigued by the various mechanics of the strangest looking weapons I've ever seen. I was itching to tinker with them and study them but that would be for another time.

A loud sound captured the attention of the criminals and mercenaries around us. Turning around, we traced the yells and shouts to a group of people ahead.

They seemed to be surrounding two people who were fighting, dueling most likely. A flash of silver whipped across one opponent and they were paralysed to the spot. Their eyes bulged out of their sockets before blood sprayed from a thick cut at their throat. The now lifeless body crumpled to the ground, spasming violently before coming to a slow stop.

"Oi get out of the way ya fuckers! You've stained the windows of my shop, scram!" A middle aged man covered in tattoos had appeared in the doorway of a shop that appeared to sell... Was that a severed arm? And a box of human nails? This place was crazy.

The group of people shuffled away, laughing arrogantly. Someone stayed behind to drag the corpse away as the shop keeper continued to yell profanities behind them.

"I don't suppose Snezhnaya's black market is anything like this?" I whispered the question to Dottore.

I could see his jaw working and his fists clench and unclench.

"Probably worse," he admitted. "Don't talk to anyone or get near them alright? This is dangerous territory; I don't want you to get hurt."

"Have you been here before?"

"Yes but truth be told, I don't even know if we are going in the right direction. I know someone down here however, if I can spot her, she might be willing to give us some directions," he replied.

"Might?" I was skeptical.

"Yes... I'm not so sure anyone I know will be willing to help me after what I did," he laughed guiltily.


Suddenly, a hand latched onto my forearm and yanked me backwards.

Alarm bells were ringing but it happened so fast I hardly had time to even register what was occuring. A big burly man who reeked of alcohol and puffed smoke from a cigar in between his lips had pulled me towards him and now had a hand on my waist. His face was oily and his hazel eyes looked hungry. I visibly shivered at his rotten touch.

"Why don't you come play with us, pretty lady?"

"Get off me, prick," I spat.

I struggled in his grip and gagged at the stench of his breath. He blew smoke in my face causing me to wheeze and rendering me temporarily defenseless. My hand subconsciously reached for the gun at my thigh but the man was faster. He ripped my hand away and clamped down on my wrist. Hard. I bit down on my cheek to keep the scream climbing up my throat from escaping.

Where was Dottore? Surely he would have noticed my absence from his side by now. It was up to me to escape at the moment. I tried glancing behind me but it was to no avail as the wretched man laughed loudly and gripped my face harshly in his hands.

"There's no where to go, pet. I've got a nice warm bed for ya waiting upstairs. Lets go," he chuckled grimly.

I fought hard against his grip but those muscles weren't for show. He had an iron grip on me. Was I really trapped? We were moving towards the door of another brothel where seductive giggles and scandalous whispers sounded from inside.

Just as I prepared to summon the twin hand gun that was hidden out of sight, the man stilled. I heard the sound of him moan as I glanced up in confusion only to see a gaping hole in his forehead and a chain tipped with an arrow slithering out. My eyes widened with fear only to be followed by my heart leaping out of my chest as I recognised the weapon unique to only one particular Harbinger.

I'll break you (Dottore X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now