A Sestina

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It was a dreary day on the island, the water its usual grey 

An abandoned salt scent lingering 

Its shores battered with the merciless waves pounding 

Though away from the shores laps of sound there was dead silence

Or so we thought

As we looked through the sea mist we could see only a dark lighthouse that drew us in

None of them had known when they boarded that boat how much trouble they stepped in

Lily's eyes reflected the color of the sea her family was now stuck in, a stormy grey

‘Jonas…’ Lily thought

Her little brothers presence was still lingering

Though now he would forever be in silence

Her parents rowed and rowed with all their strength, but the waves were still pounding 

At last their small bow scraped against sand, their ears continued pounding

Water dripped from their clothes, all internally asking what kind of place they were in…

As they explored this seemingly abandoned island, they were only met with silence

Of many streets they saw one house had lights, it was covered in a thick mist of grey

They all stood outside it, lingering

The family reasoned it was better to seek any help however fearful they thought

Stepping across the threshold, ‘woah it's quite bright in here’ Lily thought

Suddenly footsteps were pounding 

A crowd of the strangest kids the family had ever seen stood lingering 

A woman stood in the middle of the kids, her face timeless in

An unsettling way, so quick their eyes barely followed a tentacle the shade of grey

Protruding from the woman's back snatched Lily and flung her through the wall.Breaking the silence 

Now the environment was the opposite of silence 

Her parents screeched and ran to the wall she disappeared through without a thought

The group of kids stared at panicked parents unblinking, one’s skin was the color grey

As the woman moved away from the room, the parents stopped their pounding

“What have you done to Lily?? What are you all??” the mother said in incredulity. “I could eat her,” the woman replied silkily. The threat now lingering

Lily though, was fine. She was now with the group of children but was lingering

Away from them in silence

They led her away to the back of the house, these children are not small. In

Fact they are over 10 at least, strange, thought Lily.

She noticed their supernatural features more and more. Heart pounding.

They enter a land opposite to the timid grey

Blazing color and sound surrounded her now, this is impossible Lily thought

The carnivals lights and sound pummeling her ears and pounding 

But the group joined hands to raise slowly into the air. And float up, into the grey 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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