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14:30 PM - June 25 - North Kill, NY.

THE ROADS WERE LONG, AND QUIET, not a car in sight. You were heading to your new job for the summer, Hackett's quarry summer camp.

You didn't feel like going, but your older sister wanted you to get out of the house for the 2 months of summer before you went to college, you were already enroll, of course, but you need to take your mind off of it.

You felt drowsy, especially after 12 hour drive, you were tired.

But after the stops to hotel after hotel, you were there, the big wooden yellow sign. "Hackett's Quarry summer camp est. 1953"

You wanted to meet these coworkers of yours, but your social battery was low, very low, after almost being in a car for a few hours without any coffee, you didn't feel like talking to anyone.

Plus, you already knew their names, There is Max Brinly, Laura Kearney, Dylan Lenivy, Kaitlyn Ka, Jacob Custos, Emma Mountebank, Abigail Blyg, Nick Furcillo, and Ryan Erzahler, it was in the email that Mr. Hackett or Chris Hackett sent to you. They all sound lovely, you were more interested in finding your cabin and getting everything over with.


Surprisingly, you made it through the day without a nap, your legs were hurting, but everything was fine.

Tomorrow afternoon is when the kids are coming, you weren't excited for seeing 12 year olds yelling and screaming, and also, not listening to you. But you need some money for college.

You were walking to the auditorium, since you were the music instructor for the camp. You and your coworker, Emma, was in that department. You and Emma obviously were going to know each other better than anyone else because you worked with her on similar things.

You walk inside seeing the blonde girl unpacking some of the theater stuff. "Hey," you stood there, looking at her, you've known her before coming to camp. She was a vlogger, she was entertaining, fun to watch but you didn't watch her that much.

"Hello fellow coworker, you must be the music instructor, right?" She gets up, turning to you, you nod and smile, "ok great, well I am unpacking as you can see, but if you could help me organize some of it, that'll be great," Emma had a smile on her face, probably just a outgoing, and enthusiastically one. "For sure! just let me place my stuff down," you walk over to a random locker by the door; you decide to pick the floor anyways since the locker might have private things. secret sex dungeon ;)

You went ahead and help Emma with unloading and organizing most of the stuff in boxes. "Well, I think we make a pretty good team," Emma says, she has her right hand on her hip and her left up, waiting for a high five, you guessed. You smile, giving her a highfive, "well is there anything else we need to do?" You start grabbing your guitar, and a little baggie with a purple pick. Emma shakes her head and also grabs her own stuff.


it was around dinner time, basically only for the counselors. Nick; he was the cook of the camp, he told you that it became a hobby while at home. Everyone was pretty nice, you and Emma was pretty close after talking for awhile in the auditorium.

You were sitting with Abigail, and Emma. The other girl, Kaitlyn, were sitting with Ryan and you think, Dylan. Jacob was probably still working on some sports things to get ready for tomorrow. "So, how are guys doing?" Emma looks at both of us, Abigail seems a bit shy to speak, especially since it's her first day here. "I'm chill, it seems nice here... Not really excited for the kids tomorrow," you slightly chuckle, so did Emma. "Abigail?" Emma taps on her hand, "It's Abi, you can just call me Abi," She smiles slightly, she looks alittle awkward but she's good... You think.


a/n: sorry it took super long for this to get out! I had troubles with my old phone but we're good now!

next chapter--->
chapter 02

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