Part Two: Lost & Forgotten

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The week was going pretty normally for Devin. It's been about a year since he last had his adventure with the pirates. It's something he couldn't forget. Even all through school, and the usual difficulties of a teenage boy, Devin still thinks about the Carriers almost every day. Today he does one of his activities where he thinks about them the most. Bike riding.

He races along the flowing grass in the park. The elderly sit at benches, talking about the recent baseball game, or the new movies coming out soon. Parents sit at picnic sheets, eating freshly made food and watching their children play on the small plastic castles built in the sand. Devin whizzes past, seeing the young ones climb and waddle around laughing. He remembers how he used to play with his friends on little play structures like these in his old neighborhood, about five or so years ago. Back then the only thing he had to worry about was keeping up with Jace amongst the monkey bars while not falling off. If only school, music, home duties, and, most hurtful, his own thoughts didn't plague him now maybe he could feel that innocence again. Regardless he rolls onwards to his destination.

Devin leaves the park and rides the sidewalks towards a small cafe located near his school in a small shopping area. He always finds himself imagining that he's on the Carriers ship again, and the other cars and people are other ships and pirates in his way. Of course he can't just kill them or knock them out, so he goes around them instead. With the cool breeze blowing in his face, and the sensation of going as fast as he can while still maintaining his breath, he can almost believe he has that same sense of adventure and danger that he had with the Carriers.

He arrives at the Normanju Cafe. He locks up his bike at the bike rack and heads inside. It's not too busy, only a few people here and there. Some are eating biscuits and blowing on hot coffee, others are waiting for their coffee to be finished brewing. One man heads past Devin, holding two large bags. Devin orders a medium sized double chocolate frap and a raisin biscuit. He takes his food and sits down at an empty table next to the window. This is one of the warmest spots in the cafe since there is a heater constantly blowing just above him. If a place like this is busy, spots like these will typically be full immediately.

As Devin eats, he receives a text on his phone.

" Dude you still coming to the movie today?" It's from his friend Kyle.

" Ye. Five right?" Devin texts back.

" Yup. 'Battle Devil.' You think it'll be good?"

" I've never read or seen the base material."
" Me neither, but the trailer was cool enough so...? Lol"
" xd yeah. Tho the main characters eyes look weird." Devin texts.

" I guess. Maybe they wana replicate the style or something."

" Of what?"
" I dunno, the mangas? They usually look like that." Kyle texts.

" I mean you read more of that than I do."
" I know, that's why I'm saying." A few minutes later: " gtg have chores and homework. Cya at the theater at five"

" k cya." Devin finishes up his meal and checks the time. Four pm exactly. Devin figures he can take a walk through the park for a while before going to the theater. He throws his trash away and exits the cafe.

Devin was woken up by something wet slobbering him in the face. At first, he thinks something had pooped on him and he sits up quickly brushing his face. He looks at his hand. Clear saliva drips down his palm. " This isn't...." something puts its face on his leg. Looking down Devin comes eye to eye with a large wheaten terrier. Its brown eyes stare at him and its mouth is open and panting. " Oh... Heh it was just you. Where did you come from?" He moves his hand to pet the dog but it runs away. Devin shrugs and checks his phone. It's ten minutes to five. He also has a text message from Milla, another one of his friends. " She never texts me. Unless it's about the pirates." Devin sighs. " That's like the only reason she even cares to talk to me at school. 'I'm the pirate guy.'"

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