Chapter 2 - The meeting

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No one POV

The morning light hit the sleeping raven haired boy who tried to hide beneath the covers.

Takemichi: "Mmmm, 5 more mins please." He sleepily mumbled to himself.

Remembering he lived alone, he chuckled at his dumbness and got up from the poor excuse of bed which was nothing but a sleeping mattress on the floor.

{PS: Takemichi's house still looks like the apartment in his og future}

Though he has a nice job which pays him well, the apartment is from before he got this sweet job.

Before, he worked at CD store which made him do overtime and then underpaid him. He rented this apartment at that time.

But now he has a nice job and stable income. So you may ask why he hasn't moved houses. The answer is simple.

He is lazy as fuck.  He doesn't wanna do all the looking up for new house, papers, bills, shifting etc.  Work. So he stays in his old appartment.

There is another reason for it. It is very close from his  workplace. Just at a walking distance. And now he has found an awesome restaurant in the neighborhood. Why would he wanna move?

Anyway, the boy woke up from his slumber and went to get freshen up. Later he cooked some toast with jam and orange juice for himself to eat.

After he did his breakfast, he  went to get ready for his work. He wore a simple white T-shirt and tucked iy in a dark blue jeans. He wore white shoes with white socks which had a brown teddy bear on its hem.

Taking his phone and money, he locked the door and went to his work. After reaching there, he went inside and took his place at the cash counter.

*After work*

It was currently 8:00 pm and he was on his way back home. He decided to take the long route because he wanted to take a walk.

It's only been 15 mins in the walk and he is already feeling paranoid.

'Man. I really shouldn't have taken the long route. Now I feel like I'm going to get jumped (;ŏ﹏ŏ).' He thought while clutching his clothes.

Suddenly, a noise came from an alleyway across the road which made him shriek like a girl. He was only one on the while road so he knows no-one else Heard it.

Takemichi: 'Ok this is exactly like what happens in movies. A lone guy hear noise from a secluded alleyway and when he goes there to check it, he witness a murder or something. So exactly I'm not going to do that.' he told himself while staring at the alleyway.

Just as he was about to walk away, another noise made its way to his ears.

Takemichi: " Now it's just like it's calling me towards it." He pouted and complained.

Something in his heart told him he should go check the alleyway, but his mind said otherwise. His brain was being rational.

But he was Takemichi after all. He don't listen to his brain, he work by his heart.

So he took the dumb decision to go and take a look at the alleyway.

Slowly slowly he made his way towards the alley clutching the pocket knife he had in his pants pocket.

He prepared himself for the worst.

Just as he went inside the alley he saw, no-one was there.

Takemichi: "seriously 😒, where is the one making those noises huh?" He said with a little sassiness and anger cause he thought he was afraid of nothing. There was nothing but dustbins and other useless things.

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