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Robins pov

"What if she's not okay Robin?" Finney asked I stopped to look at him. "She's going to be okay finney and I know it she's a fighter finney whatever she did back there she did it for you because your her best-friend" Finney's face was stained from the tears that were rolling down his face.
"But why would she do that for me..? She's gonna hate me because I was just sitting there.."finney's voice cracked.
When we arrived at the nurses office finney set y/n down on one of the beds in the nurses office (idk what they're called😭) "what happend to her?!" The nurse asked. "Fight" was all I could get out of my mouth.
"Okay well if you want you may stay with her"the nurse said.
"Well ima go back to class robin" finney said as he smirked at me "finney why don't you go shove something up your-" finney interrupted me
"Okay okay no need to be rude"finney said as he left the room.
I sat in silence as the nurse checked on all the bruises on y/n's body "did she get kicked in the stomach at all?" "Yeah she did" "okay thank you" the nurse said as she lifted up y/n's shirt a little revealing all the purple spots on her stomach.
'I should've been there'. The nurse started cleaning all the cuts she had on her body.
When she finished the nurse sat back on her chair and did something on her laptop. I sighed as I saw y/n tossing and turning on the bed.

Y/n's pov
I tossed in turned in what seems like a bed I opened my eyes squinting at the light above me "ughhhh" I groaned. I winced at the pain in my stomach it felt like period cramps but not as bad.

I turned my head to the chair to see Robin sitting in it.
"Hmmm..?" I hummed
"How are you feeling??"
"Horrible like I had just been hit a car" "oh I'm sorry"
He scooted the chair closer to the bed and held my hand. I got butterflies at his touch. 'Get it out of your head y/n robin's to good for you he won't like you back..'
"It's alright it's not your fault, where's Finn?" "Oh he went to class he doesn't wanna fail" Robin said as he rolled his eyes "oh" I said trying not to make eye contact with robin.
"Alright mrs y/l/n" (your last name)
"You are all set to go" "but your gonna have to go home and get some rest so would you like to call your father?" "No please no can I just stay here..?" My father is abusive and I would give my soul to not go home..
"Im afraid not what about your mother?"
Tears stung my eyes knowing my mother's dead "oh honey I'm sorry don't cry" the nurse said as tears streamed down my face. I sat up grabbed my bag and left the nurses office. I could hear footsteps behind me "y/n wait" I ignored him and walked into the girls bathroom.
I entered a stall and sat down on the floor and started crying.
I heard someone enter the bathroom and go straight to my stall knocking on it "y/n you okay?" I got up and exited the stall to see gwen standing there. She pulled me into a tight embrace while I cried into her shoulder "it's okay y/n it's going to be okay.."

"No it's not I don't wanna go home he's gonna hurt me he always does Gwen" I sobbed
"How about you go home with Robin?"
"He's waiting outside the bathroom yk hes the one who asked me to check on you..?"
"He did..?" I asked
"Yea he cares about you y/n"
"You should tell him you like him"
"But what if he doesn't like me back"
"He does y/n trust me"
"I'm not ready yet" I sighed
"Okay" gwen sighed
"Let's go"
We exited the bathroom and saw Robin sitting on the floor.
Gwen looked at me and smirked as she left "hey are you okay do you need anything food water anything??" "No robin I'm okay" I giggled. Robin pulled me into a tight embrace. "we can just go to my house if you want". He said his face buried at the crook on my neck.
"That's would be great" I smiled
"Good" he said while picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Nah I'm good"
He shook his head
I relaxed and accepted defeat.

He walked outside with me still on his shoulder.
My stomach hurt because of my bruises but I didn't say anything.. I wanted this moment to last forever.
"Alright mi amor do you wanna go to the gas station?"
'MI AMOR?!?!'
"Uhh I- uhh" I couldn't get anything out of my mouth
"S-sure why not" I stuttered
He hummed it response.
He put me down and I winced at the pain but since my hair was in my face he didn't see I didn't want him to think he hurt me. I moved my hair out of my face as we entered the store.

Robin's pov
Y/n's eyes lit up when she saw the snacks I blushed at her smile.
She grabbed my hand and went to the candy aisle she grabbed y/f/c
(Your fav candys)
And then we went to the chip aisle
She grabbed y/f/c (c=chips)
Then we went to check out.
I paid and we left.
We went to my house which is next to y/n's.

Y/n sighed as she saw her dads car.
Y/n has come to my house every time her dad hit her or hooked up with someone.

"It's okay mi amor he won't get you I promise"
"Okay" she sighed
I would do anything and everything to protect her she the only girl that I know that gives me butterflies..

Heyy guyssss so I didn't edit this so idk if there's misspelled words I wrote this in the car so yea I hope you guys like this part. I tried to fit gwen in since she's not really talked about a lot I tried❤️

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