Dottore and I glanced at each other curiously.

"Before I explain what I've called you here for, I must ask that you promise to keep this between only the two of you. This is a big project that must not be compromised. Furthermore, I'd like your word that you won't get... distracted, by each other perhaps, along the way. Can I trust you to do this?"

I grimaced at the embarrassing wording. Essentially, she was saying that we could only take on this project if we promised not to fool around with each other. Respectfully, kill me now.

I could feel Dottore tense a little at the awkwardness but we both pledged our promise to follow her orders.

"Adequate. Well then, allow me to explain. After you successfully engineered an army for me, I witnessed the length of which you two are able to go. I believe I can push that limit. And in order to test this hypothesis, I am asking you to create me a weapon," she paused. "This weapon must be worthy of only a god and will seal our victory against divinity. It must have the power to move mountains and control the sun. It must be extravagant, nothing the world has ever seen and it must be perfect. This weapon should have the power to split the oceans in two and bring the dead to life. And so as your Queen, I ask you to accept this challenge because I know for certain that you are more than capable."

The room was dead silent. I was still trying to catch up with what she asked us to do. Because what?

"Well?" Her voice boomed.

Suddenly, Dottore and I found ourselves bowing and muttering "As you wish, Your Highness." What other choice did we have? The archon clearly wasn't joking.

Once we were dismissed, we walked away from the throne room till we reached a corner and turned. The both of us stopped still in our tracks. I glanced up at him slowly as he did the same.

"You know that's-" I started.

"Impossible? Yes. I know," he finished.

An awkward silence fell over us.

"What are we going to do?"

"The only thing we can do," responded Dottore. "If we can't make it, we are going to have to find it."

My eyes widened. He was joking, right?

"You can't be serious. We both know nothing like that actually exists. She's asking the impossible from us! The most we can do is give her a wooden club that she can use to clobber the Sustainer," I whispered.

He sighed, removed his mask and rubbed his eyes. Dottore looked tired and zapped of energy. I wasn't really sure why that was, because he usually looked fine but today... Something wasn't right.

"Hey... Is everything ok?" I reached up and held his face in my hands.

"Everything's fine. Really. Sometimes, the pressure of sharing part of my soul with clones just... dries me out," he whispered back as his dull red eyes avoided my gaze.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug. His arms slid around my waist reflexively. Dottore seemed to relax a little in my arms.

"Why don't you release them for now? You don't really need them at the moment, do you?" I asked, playing with his hair.

"It's not that simple-" he started, only pausing as we heard the sound of footsteps approaching.

Quickly, we separated from each other and his mask was back on in an instant. This had been happening a lot over the past week as we tried to hide from the public eye. As inconvenient as it was, it was actually very fun. A strange thrill came with sneaking around and passing each other flitting looks that can't be interpreted by other people.

I'll break you (Dottore X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now