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The next day was Saturday, and Simon was grateful for that. After a crummy day like yesterday, he needed a break.

his mom called from the kitchen.

"Yes Mama?"
Simon answered back, standing up from the couch.

"We're out of pickles, could you run to the convenience store up the road and grab a jar?"
she asked, handing him a few pounds.

"Of course Mama"
Simon said, taking the pounds from her hand.

"Oh, and that should be enough money if you wanted to buy a snack too"
she added.

"Oh! Thank you, I'll be right back."

Simon exited the house, hopping down the porch steps and making his way down the street. The sun was shining bright, quite the contrast from yesterday's storm.
Simon felt a rush of wind go by him, followed by a loud engine. Simon winced and covered his ears when he heard the screech of rubber tires.


Simon finally looked up to see a motorcycle a few feet away from him. Simon watched as the driver took off his helmet. Simon's eyes widened when he realized it was none other than Ralph Kamal.

"Ralph?! You have a motorcycle?!"
Simon exclaimed.

Ralph chuckled.

"Haha well not exactly. It's my dad's, but he said he'll give it to me after graduation, so I'm just getting a feel for it."
he explained, turning the handles side to side.

"Well you're better than me anyway, I could never drive that thing"
Simon said.

"It's easy! Just like riding a bike"

"I don't know how to ride a bike"

Ralph looked away then back at him.

"Well anyways, where are you headed?"

"I'm going to the store up the road."

"Oh cool! Need a ride?"

Simon thought for a moment.

"I guess so, i've never been on a motorcycle before though."
He admitted.

"It's not too scary, you can hold on to me."
Ralph said.

Simon blushed as he walked towards Ralph.


Ralph smiled, and placed his helmet on Simon's head, patting the top of it.

"Safety first! Hop on."

Simon held onto Ralph's waist for dear life as they zoomed down the street.

"A-Are we supposed to be going this fast?!"
Simon yelped, closing his eyes.

"Yes! We're okay Simon, there's no need to be scared." Ralph said, patting Simon's hands that were wrapped around his stomach.

They eventually made it to the store, and Simon hopped off the motorcycle with festive joy. He quickly took the helmet off and handed it to Ralph.

"That was terrifying."
Simon said, fixing his hair.

"I'm sorry Simon, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay..."
he said.

They walked into the store side by side.

"Oh hey, I was gonna ask you, how are you feeling? From yesterday I mean"
Ralph asked as they found their way to the refrigerated goods.

"I'm alright, I'm just lucky you showed up when you did"

"Yeah, I had just turned the corner of that street when I saw you fall."

"Ah, I'm so embarrassed..."
Simon said, turning away.

"Hey, don't be, these things happen"
Ralph said, placing a hand on Simon's shoulder.

He felt Simon tense up at the touch and retreated.

he said

"It's okay, I just get a little scared when people touch me out of the blue like that, don't worry"

Ralph hesitated for a moment before saying,
"If I may ask, why?"

Simon stuttered, and scratched his neck.

"Uhm...oh hey look, pickles!"
Simon said, running over to the pickle jars and grabbing one.

Ralph noticed the avoidance of the question and decided not to press on.
Simon held the pickle jar in one hand, and pulled the couple of pounds his mom had given him from his pocket.
He remembered the extra pounds his mom gave him to buy something else, and turned to Ralph.

"Hey Ralph, what's your favorite candy?"
he asked.

Ralph thought for a second before saying.
"I like skittles"

Simon nodded and grabbed a packet of skittles on the way to the register. He paid for both of the items, and handed the skittles to Ralph.
Ralph gave him a confused look as they walked out of the store.

"Did you buy these for me?"
Ralph asked.

Simon said.


"Because you...you're nice and you helped me yesterday and you gave me a ride here. I could never repay you for that so, skittles."

Ralph laughed.
"I-I don't know what to say, thank you!"

Simon smiled at him.

"I'm guessing you don't want a ride home?"
Ralph asked, grabbing his helmet.

"Yeah, I think i'll walk, i'd rather not pass out from fear."

Ralph chuckled and put his helmet on.

"Alright well, be careful walking"

He said, as he hopped onto the motorcycle, starting up the engine and zipping out of the parking lot.

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