Robin Hood

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Long ago, good Prince Shining Armor of Canterlot departed for the holy land on a great crusade, during his absence, Prince Blueblood, his greedy and treacherous brother, usurped the crown, Sombra was the pony's only hope, he robbed from the rich to feed the poor, he was beloved by all the ponies of Equestria, Sombra and his merry muscular dragon named Spike hid in the Everfree Forest to elude the Sheriff Garble of Ponyville, Sombra and Spike were trotting and walking along happily through the Everfree Forest without a care in the world, when they were walking on the dead tree that serves as a bridge, they bumped into each other, fell into the water, and started playing in it, little did they know they were being watched by Sheriff Garble and his canterlot guards, he grinned sinisterly as he waved his claw to give the signal to strike, they prepared their weapons, but Sombra & Spike then became aware of their presence and quickly jumped out of the water, and took off running, they ran to get away from Sheriff Garble and his canterlot guards, Sombra then turned into his show form and Spike took flight, and they flew into the tree and Sombra turned back into his normal self, the Sheriff and the canterlot guards looked for him but they couldn't find him, so they decided to fall back 

Spike: You know somethin', Sombra, you're taking too many chances 

Sombra scoffed: Chances, you must be joking, that was just a bit of a lark, Spike 

Spike: Yeah, take a look at your tail, that's not a candle on a cupcake 

Sombra looked behind him to find one of the arrows that the canterlot guards were shooting while they were chasing the outlaw pony and dragon in his flowing onyx black tail near his flank  

Sombra: Hello, this one almost had my name on it didn't it 

He pulled the arrow out of his tail 

Sombra: They're getting better, you know, you've got to admit it, they are getting better 

Spike: Uh, yeah. The next time, that sheriff Garble will probably have a rope around our necks 

He put his claws together to make it look like he was hanging on a rope around his neck and he squeezed his neck 

Spike: ACK, pretty hard to laugh hanging there, Sombero 

Sombra laughed: The sheriff and his posse couldn't even lift you off the ground, en garde 

He threw the arrow that stuck his tail at Spike who quickly ducked 

Spike: Hey watch it, Sombra, that's the only biggest spike I've got 

Sombra: Oh, come along, you worry too much, fire breath 

Spike: You know somethin' Sombra, I was just thinking, are we good pony and dragon or bad pony and dragon, you know, I mean, our robbing the rich to feed the poor and all 

Sombra: Rob 

He tsked 

Sombra: That's a naughty word, we never rob, we just sort of borrow a bit from those who can afford it 

Spike: Borrow, boy, are we in debt 

Then, they suddenly heard a fanfare from a distance, Sombra turned into his shadow form flew to the top of the tree, and he turned back into his normal self, and listened to the sound, he chuckled 

Sombra: That sounds like another collection day for the poor, eh, Spike 

Spike: Yeah, sweet charity 

Meanwhile, the members of the royal Canterlot court were on their way to their destination, inside the royal coach was a handsome unicorn with a blond mane and tail, white coat and cyan eyes, a compass rose for a cutie mark, wearing a red cape with white fur on it named Prince Blueblood, and his counselor, a creature with a head of a pony, with yellowish red eyes, a deer antler on the right, a blue goat horn on the left, one long fang, a snake tongue, a goat beard, white bushy eyebrows, a right arm of a lion, a left claw of an eagle, a right leg of a lizard, a left leg of a goat, a bat's right wing, a pegasus left wing, a horse's mane, and a dragon like snake's tail with a white tail tuft named Discord, Prince Blueblood levitated a few coins with his magic 

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