Morning Mess

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A/N: Okay If you're here ty for reading this! Again I do not own any of these characters they all belong to Fox. Pls read my friend's story too! Her user is: idkrandom357. Enjoy and feel free to laugh at this and make fun of it ik it's bad. This chapter gets..interesting. 

Eddie POV:

I woke up in the crisp air of my room. I slowly opened my eyes to my room, I didn't expect to be in here. "How'd I get here, I thought I fell asleep on the couch?" I thought. I thought I must've sleep-walked over. "I wish that dream with Buck was true, I have to tell him how I feel soon," I thought while sitting up. I rubbed my face and almost flipped when I realized there was another body in the bed next to where I was sleeping. "No.. this can't be," I thought as I turned to look at the face of the person next to me. My eyes shot open and my hand flew to my mouth when I realized it wasn't a dream after all. Had I really slept with buck? Not like that but cuddled with him? I let my feet touch the cold floor as I questioned my life. I slowly and quietly made my way out of the room being careful to not wake Buck. I knew we were going to have to talk everything through and I had to be ready for it. I walked into Chris' room. I gently shook Chris to wake him up. "Good morning dad!" I heard Chris say and I replied. "Good morning Chris, you ready for breakfast?" "Yeah!" Chris yelled. "Okay, you get changed and I'll make some pancakes" "Okay dad!" Chris said and I turned to shut his door. I walked to the kitchen and questioned how I would talk with buck about this and how I should tell Christopher as well. I decided to be fancy and cook some pancakes from scratch to get everything off my mind. I added all the batter ingredients to a bowl and mixed it up. I then got a pan out and started pouring the batter and cooking the pancakes. Before I knew it I had a five-star breakfast on the table, complete with all the pancake necessities you would need. I went back to Christopher's room and found him all ready and dressed. "Chris, breakfast is ready!" I shouted as he came out of the door. He sat down and I poured three glasses of orange juice. "Dad, why are you pouring three?" Chris asked, I got sort of nervous thinking that Chris would put the pieces together once I filled him in but that wouldn't happen... right? "It's because buck is over, he's just asleep," I said anxiously, "Buck was over and you didn't tell me?!" Chris yelled. "Yes, I'm sorry it's just that buck came over when you were asleep and I know you need your sleep," I said. "Okay dad" Chris replied as I took a relieved breath happy that Chris didn't ask more.

Buck POV:

I woke up in Eddie's bed wondering where I was for a minute before remembering what happened. I felt around the bed realizing that Eddie was no longer in the bed. I could tell he had been out of bed for a while since the bed was cold. I sat up and got out of bed, stretching myself. I then smelt breakfast and realized Eddie had cooked. I got myself ready and presentable before I sat back down on the bed and checked my phone. There were texts from Maddie asking where I was because she had come to my apartment for something. I texted her back telling her I was at Eddie's knowing that she'd ask questions and make jokes about it. I got up and walked out the door ready for whatever was about to face me. I walked into the kitchen and saw Eddie and Chris sitting at the dining table preparing the plates. "Morning sleeping beauty" Eddie joked as I rolled my eyes. "Morning buck we were waiting for you!" "Morning buddy!" I replied sitting down at the table. I grabbed some pancakes and started eating. "Thanks, Eddie for making these, they're delicious!" I said. "No problem I made them from scratch," he said. After we were done eating and chatting, Eddie went to wash the dishes as me and Chris decided to play some video games. "Oh I see, you two have fun and leave me all the work," Eddie said jokingly. "Yea dad, you didn't think we would help you, did you?" Chris said. "Yea sorry bout that," I said laughing. Me and Chris played a couple games and soon Eddie joined us on the couch. I could feel Eddies stare and felt him squeezing my wrist like he was trying to tell me something. I soon realized that he wanted to talk and I did too.

Eddie POV:

"Okay Chris, I think that's enough video games, and me and Buck have to talk about adult stuff, do you wanna go in your room and play?" I asked trying not to be suspicious. "Okay dad, eww adult stuff" Chris said walking to his room. I could tell he knew something was up between me and Buck. When Chris closed the door we both sighed of relief. We walked to my room to talk in there instead. "Where do I even start?" I asked as we sat on the bed. "Well, I can tell you right now Eddie, I love you and I want to be with you". "I know but we have to talk this through first" I said trying not to seem rude. "Buck, you have been the best friend I've ever had. I trust you with not only my life but Christopher's too. I love you beyond words can say and I want to be with you. I just want you to know that I come with a lot of baggage too though, my mental health isn't always the greatest and I want you to know that before you date me" I said letting all of my words lift a weight off my chest. "Eddie, I know. I love you and I mean all of you, I don't care if you have times where you are not in the right mental state. I've seen that part of you before, and I figured that out when I saw you take a baseball bat to everything you own. I also have my baggage with my past but I love you for who you are." I felt instant relief when I heard him say that, I knew we were meant to be together. "So.. then do you want to be with me?" I asked. "Of course I do you dumbass I just told you how much I love you!" Buck said. "I love you so much" I said again. "Well I'm more of a visual learner so maybe you could show me how much you love me?" Buck said with a smirk. Oh boy, he's already starting this. I kissed him and slowly unbuttoned his button-down. (A/N: There's no smut in this just so you know I don't write that 💀💀 but there is a twist 💀)

Christopher's POV:

I knew something was up with my dad and buck when he said that Buck had slept over. I know that Buck sleeps over a lot but he usually takes the couch and we find him sprawled out on it in the morning. And the fact he was still sleeping when I got up told me that he slept in my dad's bed. I don't know how I feel about this, I mean I like them together but I don't wanna think about them kissing. I decided to go spy on their "adult" conversation. I slowly tiptoed to my dad's room and I froze when I saw them. As I stood awkwardly in the doorway I saw bucks shirt half unbuttoned with my dad on top of him. They were mid-kiss when I saw buck's eyes get wide. I crossed my arms and yelled "DAD, BUCK??! AT LEAST CLOSE THE DOOR!".

Bucks POV:

I was enjoying my make-out session with Eddie until I saw Chris at the door. Panic set in my eyes and Eddie looked at me confused before he realized. I jumped off of him and we tried to play it cool and think of some excuse but before long we heard Chris yell "DAD, BUCK??! AT LEAST CLOSE THE DOOR!". I was embarrassed out of my mind, how are we going to explain this? I buttoned my shirt back up and said "Come here Chris we'll explain everything". Chris came in and sat on the bed with us. "Chris, I'm so sorry you had to see that, we definitely should've closed the door and told you the truth. Me and buck are dating. I know it may take some time getting used to but don't be mad," Eddie said nervously. "Mad, are you kidding me? I love buck! I love you guys dating but please promise me you'll leave the door closed next time," Chris said joking. Me and Eddie let out a relieved sigh and I said "Thanks, I love you too, and yes I promise we'll close the door next time" I said laughing. 

A/N: Ty for reading this, idk if anyone actually gonna see this and read it but if you're here ily. Tell me if y'all want another chapter cuz I'm up to writing one but this was more of a joke than anything to me and my friend. Also, give me chap ideas that you wanna see cuz idk. Have a good day/night, love y'all!

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