Level Fun

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I appeared in small party room with a red carpet on the floor. I walked around, on the walls there are weird animals images. "This place looks like a party place for little kids" I said in a weird way. I saw tables and chairs and a cake. I was hungry, so I ate a piece of cake... "SPITS! EW WHAT WAS THAT." It tasted like human. Until I notice- the cake was made oh humans. I throw up on the floor because that cake was horrible. "A red balloon?" So I got closer and looked at it, and saw something in the wall, and it was coming closer! They were called partygoers. They were very dangerous entity's. I ran until I found an exit. I never stopped running. I kept running and running. I bumped into a party pooper. He wasn't harmful, but he did lead me to the exit. The partygoer came closer, and closer, and closer! I ran fast as possible while the party pooper shows me to the exit. We arrived at the exit... until something bad happened... the party pooper was dead... Blood was gushing out of his body. And the partygoer drag the part poppers body somewhere secret. As the story continues

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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