10. Kate's Strange Happenings

Start from the beginning

I dipped my head, this was not the place to talk about it; whatever it was. So I changed the subject. "What were you doing in Swan's room?"

"Bonding over traumatising experiences." She shrugged, lopping her head from side to side and finally her eyes were glancing about the lift, then we flinched in sync-mine was a little more controlled-as it came to a stop and the doors parted for us. "I say bonding, but it was really a one way conversation. I think if she's a tree, I'm definitely moss."

"Growing on her?" I realised, stepping out into the hall with Kate ahead of me by a few, small but quick steps. She was always having to slow herself down these days in the halls.

"I hope so." Kate stopped in front of the old lab and frowned at its closed door, then kept moving up the halls. "Where's Jennings anyway?" Apparently she didn't feel the need to discuss it with me alone first. That or she was impatient. Which giving all the waiting around she's done in her life was more than likely.

"He's," I paused, we both stopped, his light tread wasn't far away. We both turned and moments later there he was.

"Sir, Miss Andersen," He saluted to me and then gave Kate a cheeky smile. "Breakfast calls,"

"No," Kate caught his arm just before he was about to continue walking. "Not yet, not for the three of us."

He gave her a quizzical look, it turned concerned as his gaze shifted in my direction. "Should I be worried Sir?"

"If I knew, I'd tell you." I lifted my hands up, palms up in front of me.

"This bodes well." He muttered, "Alright, where to, Miss Andersen?"

"Somewhere there are very few cameras, it'll be easy to sweep for listening devices and we'll need your tech skills, Jennings." Kate's optimism had never really died, but it had been hampered, and suddenly there it was in full force. I felt like sitting back and watching her ride this odd spark of life out, only I figured I needed to watch out that it didn't land us in hot water.

"After the turn there are few places like that here, it was hard enough before." I rubbed my chin, as if it would stimulate the thinking process. "Jennings, can you set up a loop for the video in the old lab, remotely I mean? Once you have I can sweep for anything untoward."

Kate beamed, "You're really going along with this?"

"Yes," if she thought I was simply humouring her, she had another thing coming. I'd learned the smallest of details here could be the difference between life or death and being in any collaboration with traitors meant we needed whatever details we could get of the goings on here. For our own good as much as anyone else's.

* * *

"All set," Jennings held up his tablet, his laptop in front of him on one of the desks in the old lab. The lights were dim, which was a wonderful change from the halls. "So what's this all about?" He turned to Kate who was staring through the glass screen separating us from a cold, cream tiled wall and floors, observation room. She was lost for a moment, skin pale, eyes dead, before she flicked her attention round on us and regained part of her smile.

"When I showered after my match with Swan, I felt something..."

"Are you sure this isn't something for a Doctor to deal with?" Jennings eyebrows rose in apprehension and Kate threw him a look, as cutting as her sisters, but painted it with humour when she realised.

"No, not like that. I felt someone, a presence here." She clarified, although I leaned up against a cabinet trying not to screw my eyebrows so far down I couldn't see past them. She was becoming anxious as she realised neither of us were entirely on board. "L-look to start with it was a shudder, my skin prickled, and I could feel this electrical pulse. A life force, but a very s-strong one, not something natural, n-not one I've experienced before."

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