<The First Date> Chpt. 15

Start from the beginning

I saw Muichiro tear up, he didn't want to upset his father. "Hey Muichiro, don't let him ruin our evening!" I said joyfully, trying to cheer him up. He nodded and we sat back down at our table. "Do you wanna order an appetizer to share?" I ask him, looking at the menu. "Sure! Pretzel bites?" He asks. "Exactly what I was thinking!" I say, laughing a little. He laughs too and the waitress comes back over with two waters. "Can I get you two any appetizers?" She asks, clicking her pen. "Yes, could we have the pretzel bites?" I ask. "Of course! Also, are you ready to order?" She asks, looking between both of us. Me and Muichiro nod. "I'll have the fried fish and rice, please." He says softly. "And I'll have the chicken sub, please!" I say, smiling widely at her. She nods and heads away to the kitchen.

Our food and appetizer comes out in a few minutes and during the entire meal me and Muichiro talked about the future! After we finished eating the waitress came over again. "Would you guys like any dessert?" She asks, smiling. I look at Muichiro, he gives a nod. "Yea sure, can I have a chocolate milkshake?" I ask, she writes it down. "I'll have the same just vanilla." Muichiro says, putting his menu down. The waitress nods with a smile and walks away.

"Hey Muichiro?" I asked. "Yea?" Muichiro said, gazing into my eyes. I feel myself blush a little. "Can I call you Mui?" I ask, not making eye contact. "Only if I can call you Gen." He says, smiling. "Deal!" I say, now looking up with a big smile. Our milkshakes came in a few minutes and we thanked the waitress. I start drinking my milkshake and Muichiro is drinking his when he says, "Can I taste your milkshake?" He asks. "Uh sure, just-" I started but he cut me off by grabbing the milkshake and just drinking it. "That's an indirect kiss!! Yes we've kissed before- but... BUT!?" I was panicking to myself, my face heating up. "Gen?" Muichiro snaps me out of my thoughts. "Hm? Oh yea, Mui?" I say, trying to sound like I didn't just have a mental breakdown. "Do you want to taste my milkshake?" He asks, sliding the milkshake towards me. "S-sure." I stuttered, blushing slightly. I take a small sip of the milkshake. It actually tastes pretty good. We switched back our shakes and sat talking as we drank them. We finished in a short amount of time and the waitress came back over.

"Here is your bill. Have a nice night you two!" The waitress placed the bill onto the table and walked away. I insisted to pay for the bill and Mui let me. "Hey, there's a peir a few blocks down, do you wanna go over there?" I ask, standing up. Mui nods and we head off down the road.

Muichiro pov

We arrive at the peir in 15 minutes and we walk down it looking at all the arcade games. I spot a crane game that has some cat plushes in it. "Hey Gen, can we play that one?" I ask, tugging his sleeve and pointing at the game. "Sure, Mui." He says sweetly. We walk over to the game and Gen puts a dollar into the game giving us two tries. "Which one do you want?" He asks me. "Hm... oh! The black cat in the corner." I say, holding onto his arm. He nods and presses play. He goes straight over the prize drops the crane and... misses. He tries again through! He lines it up perfectly and... gets it! He hands me the plush and I hug him. He puts his arms around me and looks down at me. I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him. "Thank you, Gen." I say softly. He blushes slightly. "You're welcome!" He smiles. We walk to the end of the peir watching the waves crash against the rocky shore.

"Gen?" I ask, still staring out into the vast ocean. "Yea, Mui?" Gen asks, turning his head slightly. "Do you... ever think there was someone before you that was identical to you and lived almost exactly like you just in a different time period?" I ask, trying not to sound weird. "I have but y'know thoughts just fade sometimes. We could be the same as someone from the past but who knows." Gen says, looking back at the ocean. I nod and turn my head to look at the side of Gen's face.

"Genya, I love you." I mumble. "Hm?" Gen looks at me, raising an eyebrow. (non-existing eyebrow). I shake my head and grab Gen's face bringing down to my face. We stare at each other for a split second before our lips touch. The kiss is sweet. I savored it unlike the kiss from yesterday. I hung on for a few seconds before Gen pulled away. He took my hands in his and stared down at me.

"Muichiro, will you be my..." He paused, a sweat bead rolling down his forehead. "Boyfriend?" He finished, looking at me with a warm smile. "Of course Gen, I would love to." I say warmly, pulling him into a hug.

3rd person pov

The now couple arrived back at the dorms at eight pm. They got ready for bed and lied down in their separate beds. Muichiro stared at the ceiling. "Hey Gen?" Muichiro asked, rolling over to face Genya's bed which was across the room. "Yea, Mui?" Genya said softly, also turning to face Muichiro. "Can we push the beds together I think it would be better... for both of us." Muichiro mumbled the last part. "Sure!" Genya spoke with a warm smile. Both of them got off their beds and moved the table they had between the beds. They then pulled and pushed the beds until they were together. They crawled back into bed and Muichiro snuggled up to Genya.

Genya put his arm around Muichiro bringing him close to his chest. Muichiro kissed Genya goodnight and was already half asleep. "I will always cherish you, my love." Genya spoke softly as they both drifted into a calm slumber.

The End.

!A/N So as you all know, this is the last chapter. I hope you all enjoyed the love that blossomed between these two. Also, I am planning to make a sequel to this at some point so make sure you keep an eye out for when I post that. But for now I have two ideas I plan on working with. But you can also check out my other story, "The End Is Near". Please give me tips or pointers if you have any to suggest. Again, hope you all enjoyed this story and have a good day/night! A/N!
Word Count: 1,890

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