2 .Game of dice 🎲

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" All that for a drop of blood " he said pulling the poor lad by his Hair . Bheema went to his brothers to fetch a sword . He thrusted it into the poor lad's stomach twisting it , all the while enjoying the brutality. Hidimbi who watched all this gruesome act was flooding tears mourning for her brother . Bheema was not satisfied with this . Seeing the blood oozing out , it had somehow awakened his deeply hidden desires , his canibalistic desires. He broke open the dead man's stomach and began drinking his blood .

Even his brothers were not able to watch this monstrosity . Yudhishthira turned his face towards the otherside . Others were puking . Hidimbi fell unconscious watching this gruesome act . By the time bheema was done , people had gathered around the place . They saw hidimbi , her clothes were little torn , it was clear that someone had tried to molest her . One of them was hidimbi's grandfather . He was devastated watching his grandson's state , tears Welled up his eyes . He saw his granddaughter's condition , he was aghast and feared for her life . It was their custom that a women subjected to molestation must either marry the person who was responsible or sacrifice their life . He had to save atleast her life . People were scared of the huge man who had committed such brutality . Bheema's face was drenched in blood . Yudhishthira went to bheema trying to avoid the dead body and pulled him up , asking him to go with them as many people had gathered around .

Hidimbi's grandfather cremated his grandson and went to his granddaughter . She woke up screaming and crying. He tried to console her and asked her who did this to her . She uttered a single word "Monster" which was enough for him to understand the person responsible . He went in search of them and found them by nearby river . They were quenching their thrist and bathing there . He went and begged bheema to marry hidimbi revealing what would happen to his granddaughter if he doesn't marry her . Bheema was happy to marry her . Yudhishthira told him not to worry and that his brother would marry her . The old man was relieved of his worry , he didn't have to see her also dead . He knew that she was going to be married to a monster but he had no choice, saving her life was his first priority. He went to hidimbi and told her about her marriage. She said she would rather die than marry that monster who had killed her brother . He tried his best to make her understand but there was no use , she had made up her mind and there was no way to convince his granddaughter . He decided to go away as far away as possible from the tribe to save his granddaughter and fled immediately from the forest taking whatever was necessary for them . Since he was the chief of the tribe no one dared to question him which made their escape easier .

Next day Pandavas went to the hut of hidimbi only to find it empty . They understood what it implied . There were some vessels and objects that were left behind which they thought might be useful to them . Among them was a wooden box with something inscribed on the outside . Yudhishthira read it aloud " Magical dice " . He opened the box to see a pair of dice . He believed it was not an ordinary dice . Yudhishthira loved gambling and seeing the word magical written on the box made him curious to know the secret of it . But the owners had fled from the place . He decided to find the chief of the rakshasas and ask him about its secret and in return he could offer them money when they go back to hastinapur . They came to know that hidimbi's grandfather , the old man whom they had met was actually the chief , which explained why he was able to run away so easily . They somehow found an old man who knew about the dice , he explained to them that the dice belonged to their leader's (hidimbi's grandfather) family , it was their heirloom which was passed down from generations. They didn't know how it was created but it had a magical power which they were unaware of and so they kept it as a symbolism of luck . From generations they had tried to find it's magical power but they failed to find it . Yudhishthira was disappointed , they promised the old man some coins in exchange for the information when they are back in hastinapur and left from their loosing all the hope of finding its secret .

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