"Eddie... She may never walk again, and she may never see again either."

Eddie closed his eyes and forced his tears back.

"Damnit, we were too slow, I-I'm sorry Dustin, I should've used my powers faster, I just... I didn't know they were there until I was lying there, it's like part of my mind blocked it out. It was weird. This is all my fault," Eddie blamed himself.

"No, no, it isn't Eddie. You saved us, you saved Max from dying too, she would've ended up like us if you were slower, but you saved her from that fate," Chrissy tried to reason.

"What kind of fate is that man! She can't even walk anymore! Let alone see! That's no life for a girl who's still in school!" Eddie shouted in despair.

"I'm so sorry Eddie, it wasn't your fault, I know you blame yourself, but just know that we're here for you, I'm here for you," Chrissy said carefully and laid a gentle hand on his chest.

Eddie controlled his breathing, he let out a shallow breath and got out of the bed.

"Eddie, you aren't supposed to be up-"

"I feel fine, Henderson, it feels like I've been sleeping for days,"

"Because you were," Chrissy chuckled.

"Any word on the basketball boys?" Eddie inquired.

"Lucas said they dispersed after Jason almost shot Lucas, they said Jason turned into a psycho and ditched him. Jason is around here, the police have bigger problems right now than to catch an unstable kid with a revolver roaming the streets. If anything he's probably held up at his parent's house."

"Can we... arrest him?" Chrissy asked.

Eddie's eyes widened.

"He's your boyfriend, Cunningham, did you have a change of heart?"

Chrissy looked down, she bit her lip in guilt and nodded.

"Vecna showed me a lot of things... and I realized that I need to live for myself, not for others. Jason was always pushing me to be someone I'm not. He wants a perfect housewife and a cheerleader girlfriend. And he hasn't even asked me what I think about it, he just wants me to marry him when we get out of high school. And I've seen how bad he snaps when he doesn't get his way..."

"He didn't hit you? Right?" Eddie asked carefully.

Chrissy didn't answer.


"He didn't hit you, did he?"

There was a murderous gleam in Eddie's eyes. And it scared the crap out of Dustin. Chrissy was too distracted to notice, she had to keep herself from bawling out in front of Dustin and Eddie.

"I... I."

"Henderson, leave us," Eddie ordered softly.

Dustin nodded and walked out of the room, deciding it was the best for Eddie and Chrissy, he knew she was a rather new friend, so she wouldn't find it comfortable if he stayed and listened. He headed towards Max's door and opened it.

As Dustin walked out the door. Chrissy let her tears fall.

"He hit me, just once, I promise," Chrissy sobbed.

Eddie leaned forward and held her face in his hands.


Chrissy pointed to a slight indent on her nose. It was so slight that Eddie needed to focus on it, it made her nose look crooked, but not noticeable by the normal eye. One would have to know beforehand to know if the nose was ever broken. Eddie scowled, his rage bubbled inside his chest, pitching and roiling in a sea of hatred towards Jason.

6 Little Nuggets- Steve X RobinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin