Killua sighed and leaned against the brick wall behind him.

"Rough first day already?" a blond girl asked, walking up to Killua. Killua looked at her and plastered a sarcastic smile on his face.

"No, it's going fucking fabulous actually," he jeered, pushing off of the wall and standing up straight.

"Wow, that's awesome! Wanna walk to class with me?" the girl asked, smiling at Killua in the most sarcastic way possible.

Killua chuckled and smiled at her, genuinely, this time. "For sure," he replied, walking back onto school grounds with her.

They walked to the doors in silence at first before the girl spoke up, "so, what made your day go to shit already?"

Killua smiled and glanced at her before looking back at the floor in front of him, "just assholes who think they're better than everyone because they play football and they're loud."

The girl giggled and nodded, opening the door for Killua. "Yeah, I see how they could ruin days," she chuckled and walked into the school behind Killua.

Killua continued down the hall, ignoring the big crowds of people. "So, what's your name?"

He looked behind him to find the girl, but she had disappeared. She wasn't talking to someone else or in front of him or even going up the stairs already. She was just gone.

Killua shook his head, she just disappeared into the crowd that's all.

He started slowly walking down the hall again and as he was about to turn down another hallway someone whispered in his ear, "the name's Retz."

He slapped a hand over his ear and looked everywhere around him. What kind of sick magic trick..?

He shrugged and continued down the hall like nothing happened, assuming it could be explained reasonably. He just knew he would never be the one to have the answers to the things he sees, feels, hears or smells that aren't really there.

As he walked down the hall, he could feel the eyes of everyone crawling on his skin like spiders. Of course, everyone knew who Killua was because of one thing.

The party at Gon Freecs house.

Almost the entire school had come to that one party. Even the people who had no friends and didn't talk to anyone. So, that means everyone knows what he did at the party.

Long story short, Killua had gotten more than a little drunk and he had snorted some magic sugar people randomly gave him. Someone had apparently called the police, and when they arrived, Killua tried to fight one of the police officers trying to arrest him.

In the end, he got tased, brought into the station and thoroughly punished by his parents.

He also made some risky moves with Gon, but only Gon could remember that.

Killua sighed, and ignored the people staring and whispering as he passed. It kind of shocked him that people still remembered that. It was in the middle or Junior year. Who remembers anything from that specific timeline?

To be completely honest, the party was only thrown because everyone was depressed and Gon thought school was getting too boring. Of course the school found out about it, and suspended Gon for two weeks. He could have been expelled but Gon's best buddy is the principal's son.

Mr. Morow's son, Ilu, is a very persistent kid and does not give up until he gets what he wants. He's pretty spoiled.

Killua would've gotten in more trouble with the school as well, but his dead brother used to date the principal. In fact, the principal named his kid after Illumi.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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