meet the cast !

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birthday: march 27

outgoing and intuitive, aries is loyal and kind. although short-tempered, he is inquisitive and always looking for a way to bail out of a situation. he may be a douche, but aries is sympathetic. being in touch with his emotions is something people wouldn't expect from him.

mbti: entp

hogwarts house: griffyndor

portrayed by: zico umarella

portrayed by: zico umarella

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birthday may 18

mbti: estp

hogwarts house: hufflepuff

calm and charismatic. you never see him without some chick by his side. taurus can play many characters depending on who he is talking to. innovative and persuasive, he always gets his way. especially when it comes to food. like aries, he is loyal. level-headed and protective of his friends.

portrayed by: chris sturniolo

portrayed by: chris sturniolo

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