So why forget, you ask? Because she is dead!

It was all my fault. I promised her protection but i failed- i failed her big time that it cost her, her life.

But the real question here is: Is she really dead?

Of course, she is. was the witness to her death.

But now, it seems like I need to think twice about my answer.

With the bits of story that Jennie had been telling these past days, it made me think that maybe-Just maybe that she might be my Nini.

My mate does very much resembles my Nini, having both the captivating feline eyes, cute chubby cheeks, and a gummy smile that I once loved and still love.

Though, the only difference now is that Nini couldn't even harm a single fly, she would always cry whenever she accidentally steps on those tiny creatures, saying she felt guilty.

Unlike Jennie...

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

And just like that, am brought back to reality- the reality that I am on this very same hill with an older version of my girl

I didn't even notice that was crying again, not until Jennie hand wipes my wet cheeks with her thumb, looking at me with this unusual soft gaze of hers.

She really looks like my...

"Nini... a-are you really my Nini?" I fixed my gaze to hers, staring at her orbs intently.

She then withdraws her hand. "Y/n, told you not to call me N-"

"Can't you recognize this face?" At this point, I was already eager, very much to the point where my trembling hands are holding her shoulders firmly, pleading her to look at me carefully.

But to my dismay, the brunette only closes her eyes, whimpering. "I told you already, my Y/n/n was dead"

"How can you be so sure?"

"My uncle brought her bloody h-heart and gave it to me as evidence that he k-killed her" She squeaks out, still not looking in my direction.

My body instantly softens, letting go of her shoulders before releasing a sigh of defeat. "Look, I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to force you to say that. It's just..." I sigh again. "I'm sorry"

Taking deep breaths, I calm my mind before doing the only thing that can calm Jennie too, I hope.

I started humming to a certain melody that only she and I shared whenever we had some alone time.

The certain melody that we swore to hum whenever one was always feeling down, though back in the days, it was I who mostly hum her to sleep since she was the one who cries often and needs someone's comfort.

It was very tough and complicated back then.

Jennie then looks up as I continued humming, gazing up at me with her glistening orbs that held a meaningful look with different sorts of emotions.

"M-my Y/n/n" She chokes out as her lower lip trembles.

I open my arms and she gladly collides her body against mine, wrapping her hands around my waist as she leans her head on my chest, sobbing quietly.

"It-thought you were d-dead" It was muffled but still understandable.

And that's when more fresh tears pooled out. I embrace the brunette tightly as if she might disappear any moment before releasing a shaky cry of relief.

"I thought so too. thought my father had completely killed you"

"I thought my uncle had killed you"

And we stayed like this - two crying mess, laying on the grass with me using my arm as my pillow as the feline uses my chest as hers.



"Did you really mean it when you said I was your mate?" She looks up and started playing with my hair.

"Of course I did. You are my beautiful mate" say genuinely as I pulled her closer and placed some kisses on her forehead, to which it made her giggle.

We then both fell into a comfortable silence as we gaze upon the sky and watches the crescent moon rise high, just like old times.

It was beautiful.

"I-I'm sorry I hurt you, Y/n/n. If only I knew it was you then i wou-"

I place a finger on her lips, hushing her. "Shh... It's fine, Nini. I understand, it's all in the past and I already forgive you"

"Really?" She beams widely, showing me her gummy smile that I have not seen for a long time. Oh how I missed it.

"How could I not?" We both find ourselves gazing at each other lovingly. By this time, it was more than just relief that was felt.

Tonight, we shared the same happiness that was once wiped out of us, simply celebrating our reunion after being forcefully separated by the playful destiny.

"Y/-Y/n/n" She weakly calls out as felt her body shivering, "I'm c-cold"

I quickly place my hand on her forehead, only to find it burning hot. "See, you should've stayed at home. Your fever's back because of exhaustion"

"But-but if stayed home, will we still end up knowing each other?"

I pursed my lips. "Touché"

With that, I gently rise up to my feet, earning a look of "Where are you going?" confusion from her.

"Someone wants to meet you, I bet she can warm you up more than I can" I was about to walk when the feline grabs a hold of my leg.

"But your more than enough," She says so desperately as her face flashes fear-fear of the possibility that she might once again be left.

"I'll be back, I promise" I assure her, making her let go, hesitantly.


With that hid behind a tree and started stripping my clothes, allowing my wolf to finally take over after.

Then the feline gasp. "Y/f/n!"

She met us halfway as my wolf joyfully trotted back to our mate.

Then she playfully tackled her to the ground, licking her face in the process, which made Jennie surprisingly giggle.

"You got bigger than the last time I saw you" She cooed while continuously petting Y/f/n's head as we curled our body around her, giving her the warmth that she needs.

My wolf only responded with a purr, happily grinning as the sparks from our mate's touch send her to euphoria.

And we stayed like that, all night until we didn't notice that we had fallen into a deep slumber.

A wonderful slumber.

Mistakes Are Mine
(if the other sentences and words are misspelled and in other places it's because of google text)

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