Start from the beginning

That morning, which came in the midst of their summer break, was no different. Her head didn't feel as bad as it had the day before, and the room wasn't spinning like it was when she fell asleep - Evie clearly had been dealt incredible cards that morning, because she had expected to wake up with a splitting headache and the sickly feeling settling in the pit of her stomach, but instead she was just... awake.

There certainly was a pressure on her stomach, except she wasn't so sure that it was because she drunk too much or she was having another late night existential crisis - because it was too early for that - and when she began to become aware of her various other limbs again, she shoved herself up onto her elbows, which dug haphazardly into the old mattress scattered with sheets and blankets below her, she turned her head to find the arm belonging to one of her best friends.

It seemed that, in their drunken, probably high (if she could remember) state of stumbling back into the chaperone-less Chateau, she had ended up sharing with JJ and John B again. It happened way too often when it came to summer, when she didn't actually have any expectations except to show her face on the north side of Kildare every so often to assure her parents that she was actually alive, and this time around it so happened that she was right between the two boys she had been best friends with since she was twelve.

It was John B's arm on her waist, much to her surprise, because JJ was usually the clingier one and, well, Evie's head turned to the other side and she found exactly what she was looking for; JJ's head exactly where the curve of her neck had been.

"Hey there, angel." Ah, so that was his pet name of choice this morning, JJ's lips curling up into a hazy smile as he realised she had moved and with a grin, Evie collapsed back down onto the mattress and winced when she felt the spring in her back.

"John B needs to get rid of this thing." Evelyn murmured her reply, not wanting to disturb the final of the three who still happened to be sleeping. "But morning, JJ. No pounding headache?"

"Oh yeah, it's like a freakin hurricane in there. But you make it all better." That didn't really surprise her either; JJ was a flirt at heart and his attentions had been solely focused on her for well over a year now. And, despite the rules, there were certain limitations that they both had bypassed and ignored entirely. "How you feeling, huh?"

"Tired, babe." Evie twisted on her side, John B's limp hand rolling onto the curve of whatever bottoms she currently had on - and she was half sure it was only a bikini - and her eyes met his. Her hand reached up to his hair, pushed blond curls back. "God, you look like a wreck."

"See, that's exactly what I was going for." He hummed, not really having to move that much closer until their noses were brushing. "Do you remember anything?" Her head shook. "Best kind of night."

Evie watched his expression divulge and change, through pain of a headache go through his skull to the early morning bliss of waking up unscathed and in the path of a daze of sunlight. "Do you remember anything?" She asked, although things were slowly coming back to her and she had a stark reminder of traipsing through some kind of forest.

"Kinda. I mean... not a lot. I know we snuck off at some point, like always." He couldn't help but grin and there was absolutely nothing Evie could do to stop him. "We had some fun. We always have fun."

His finger curved under her chin wearily, coaxing her a little further forward, her nose slipping past his. She could feel his breath on the corner of her lips. "Always." She smiled, slowly. "But not when our best friend is asleep on the other side of me."

"Come on, half the fun is in the risk." JJ was nowhere near done, his words imprinting on her mouth before he kissed them off, the hand on her chin reaching the back of her neck to encourage her even closer if it was possible.

𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘆𝘀, jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now