" i will not be putting these on, nor coming inside. " - she stated and glanced at brenner who rolled his eyes at her. " there's nothing hazardous or infectious inside, not-"

" then why on god's name do we have to put these on. "- she cut him off, asking with a sarcastic tone. " for safety". the woman exhaled loudly and gave in. she did the same as well and got ready. operation was ready to start.

they stepped into the elevator, getting ready to see what was going on. edith breathed loudly, giving brenner , who was obviously done with the woman's behavior, the look. not after long the elevator stopped and the metal door opened. agents stepped out, turning their flashlights on, raising the gunpoint. 

the place looked like it was molded. the lights had broken down, the atmosphere was dense, clouded in the white fog. the cracks in the walls and floor were visible, spore-like particles flying in the air. fleshly- organism thingies grew on the walls and the ceiling as well, the fog was so intense that nothing could've been seen, even with a healthy vision. 

edith was devastated, still in the state of shock and disbelief. she felt like she was stuck in a terrible nightmare with brenner and couldn't get out. 

"doctor shepherd and doctor braunwere over there, doctor wilkins and doctor manning over there..." - the same scientist said, motioning his hand at the observation window. " myself and doctor brenner wereobserving."- he added and glanced at the man. 

agent cooper moves forward with a flashlight, exploring the group. soon he came across the portal, the spawn of the devil. the same mold-like organism was spread all over the wall. throbbing and breathing as if it was alive, creating the disgusting view. 

" this is where it came from? "- agent cooper broke the silence. brenner nodded in response. " and the girl?" 

" she can't have gone far. " - he answered confidently, looking at the isolation tank that was filled with water, no sign of life in it.

" martin we need to talk. "- edith said nervously. " yeah, we will, but later. " - brenner smiled weakly and went to cooper. " we need to talk in private, now! " - woman exclaimed, causing the men to turn their heads, doctor sighing at sight. 

he apologized to the agent, walking towards the woman who was waiting, slowly losing her temper. they walked towards the elevator, stepping into it, taking a silent ride.as the metal door opened, she frustratedly rushed out, taking off the equipment she had on. heading towards brenner's private cabinet, walking in, waiting for him.

" what the hell edith-" - brenner opened the door, walking in. " what the fuck is going on in this place, tell me ! " - she yelled, taking out the cigarette, lighting it. " you're not allowed to smoke in h-" 

" and i didn't know that kids were allowed here. " - she replied sassily, taking a drag. brenner shut his eyes and sighed. " i can explain everything - "

" go ahead then! because i'm about to lose my shit over this. what was that spawn of satan on the wall. "

"i-i... edi-" -the man stuttered.

" answer me for fuck's sake brenner, what's going on in this shithole!"

" i don't know... we're still investigating the case and -"

" investigating my ass! who's the girl and what does she have to do with all of these. "

" she's a ... well, she opened the gate, that thing you called the spawn of satan earlier. "- brenner spat out. everything was silent before edith started laughing uncontrollably, the man just stand there watching the woman.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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