A girl around my age had walked out of the small office joined on the side of the room, coffee colored eyes widening. She had short, wavy brown hair and fair pale skin, with a light dusting of freckles across her nose. Catalina and I were around the same height but she always had a bit more elegance to her, where I tended to be a bit awkward.

"That's me." I said with a slightly sarcastic tone, although my voice was quiet. I hadn't really been social for the past year back when I lived with my Gram, or at least I used to be, but that was before the accident happened. I had truly missed Catalina, she was kind and never judgemental like other kids. We'd met on the old playground by Mendocino's fishing lake when we were around 8, and she had come up to me and asked if I wanted to color Strawberry Shortcake with her in her coloring book. When she figured out I couldn't see, she said "That's alright," and had me color anyways. Mine would come out looking like scribbles and meaningless color, but she'd never care. That was good enough for me.

Catalina made a squeak noise and came rushing towards me, surprising me as she flung her arms a round me. 

"I'd never thought you'd come back to Mendocino. Of course then again it is kind of dreary here.. Although it has it's bright sides.. Wait until Merc gets here.." She babbled on, waving her hands around while she talked. I laughed and pushed my hair out of my face. She hadn't changed a bit.

"I honestly wasn't planning on coming back, Catalina. It's just.. I'm getting surgery. On my eyes." I mumbled the last part, ducking my head. Here comes the fireworks.

"What! You're serious.. Wow. This is crazy." She huffed and glanced to my aunt. "When?"

"Today, 4:30 pm. Little River Hospital." Aunt Chelle stated before making her way over to the coffe pot on the counter, pulling out a red mug for herself. I guess you could say she comes here a lot.

"So soon." Catalina sighed and put a hand on my shoulder. "Hang out with me today? It's only 11 o'clock and theres so much to do and such little time. If that's alright with you, Ms. Michelle?" She called over to my aunt, her eyes wide.

"Whatever you want, L. Just be home before 3, we need to leave early. Besides it's pasta night and Grey's Anatomy is on. Maybe I'll have time to watch a sneak bit while you're busy with your whole sight fixing." She replied playfully through sips of her coffee, making her way to the exit. 

"Thanks, Aunt Chelle." I called with a smirk before turning back to Catalina. "Ready?"

"Your aunt is so not cut out to be a parent. Careless!" Catalina threw up her hands childishly, accidently knocking a whole shelf of fishing lure down. 

"Forget this place, let's go." She muttered darkly and pulled my arm, heading for her car. This was going to be interesting.


"This is going to be the best summer yet!" Catalina cried out, throwing her sunglasses on her face. We were sitting on the hood of her old truck, legs stetched out and jackets on. That's right, jackets. She was talking about stupid summer when it was only about 64 degrees outside along with usual cloudy skies. 

"Catalina, it's barely the middle of spring. I don't think we're even near summer temperatures." I laughed and shivered a bit. I had on a fur-lined jacket and back leggings but it was still damn freezing. She had parked in the parking lot overlooking the barren beach, I could tell by the smell of the salty air.

"Are you kidding? This is warm weather." Catalina groaned and crossed her legs.

"Warm, my ass." I muttered and pulled my jacket closer.

"So, Loganne. Are you excited? I mean when you get out of the hospital think of all the adventures we can go on. You live here now of course, so we'll have time for plenty of them. Thank God there's no school built within miles of this place, I'd never go. Homeschooling does me better anyways. Don't you think?"

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 04, 2013 ⏰

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