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Aubrey Hall
The guest were arriving at Aubrey Hall as many families of the ton socialize and walk around the beautiful grounds of Aubrey Hall.

Brynlee tried to keep to herself for the day. Her and Anthony haven't seen each other since their kiss in the garden yesterday. She was doing a good job of staying clear of him until Edwina called her over to a table which her and Anthony were talking at.

"Brynlee!" Edwina said trying to get her attention."Come sit with us." she says.

"Miss Greensburg." Anthony says standing up as you make you way to a chair.

"Lord Bridgerton." Brynlee says slowly sitting down uncomfortably.

Edwina then looks at her,"Did you tell the viscount about your bee sting?"

Brynlee turns her head towards Anthony and lies."No. I got stung."

"Ah." Is all he says.

"I am well."

The tension grows unbearable until Kate joins them.

"Kate was telling me how she is eager to look at more of the grounds of this magnificent estate." Edwina says trying to help ease the tension.

"Yes. You and your family Lord Bridgerton have a lovely estate. I cannot wait to hopefully get to see more before we leave.

Brynlee quickly zones out of the conversation and gets snapped out of it when Benedict mentions the hunt.

"Surely, you would like to come with us Brynlee. I seem to recall you mentioning hunting with your father over the years. I would like to only see if you are better than Anthony in another subject." He says.

Brynlee looks up a bit panicked but she would enjoy it,"Yes. I would like that."
"If this goes wrong know that it is entirely your fault." Anthony says riding his horse next to Benedict.

"You must play along, Brother. Miss Edwina will see you as a gentleman. Letting one of her friends have fun as well." he responds.

"Where are they going?" Brynlee says riding next to Anthony.

"Toward our camp, I believe." he says.

"There are tracks going off to the left. Look. In the moss. You can see the cloven shape. If we go to the camp now, we may miss our quarry entirely."

"Let us stay with the group. If we find nothing I shall offer myself up for your target practice."

"I personally do not need target practice. I heard Benedict saying that you aren't the best shot. Maybe it is you who requires the practice, my Lord." Brynlee says while making the horse walk quicker.
We go out on foot now. Carrying out guns out farther into the woods.

"The men enjoying the sunlight. What a great hunt." Brynlee says rolling her eyes as they follow the guide much to her disapproval.

"I suppose you now like darkness, Miss Greensburg?" Anthony suggest laughing with his brother and Lord Featherington.

"What I would like it to be able to follow my own instinct on this hunt." she adds.

Benedict and Mr. Featherington continue to walk while Anthony stops in front of me,"You are still convinced we have lost our prey?" While finishing his sentence, he tries to give her his hand that way she can get help crossing the fallen tree.

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