"This looks like a room my mom stages for buyers, that's a compliment," Kristy chuckled.

"Oh, my God. These pillows are so cute! where'd you get them, Claudia?" Leslie demanded.

"OMG, right they are so cute," Stacey agreed. 'Finally, they're agreeing on something'

"Maryanne, what do you think?" Claudia questioned, "uh, it's very purple, but great," Maryanne grinned, before she started staring at the blank space above her bed.

"You good Maryanne?" Y/N took her out of the trance, "yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

"Leslie, It has been an hour and you haven't bought one thing. What's up with you?" Y/N questioned her friend.

The duo were at the mall "shopping". Although Miss shopping addict, Aka Leslie hasn't bought anything for the last hour.

"Its nothing, I'm fine. Not like my boyfriend broke up with me or anything," Leslie grumbled, "wait, what...Why? Did something happen between you two" Y/N asked.

"No, nothing nevermind, please just drop it
Y/N," Leslie pleaded, "are you sure? Leslie you know I'll always be there for you. I mean, we have been friends since we were little kids."

"I know, and thank you, but I'm fine. I promise," Leslie smiled.

I get good grades, I go to church, I'm a cheerleader

"Hey, Stacey, what's up?"

"Hey Y/N, Uhm, Kristy is coming
over for dinner at Claudias later and I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

"Yeah, okay. Sounds cool. Can Leslie come?"

"Oh, yeah sure. I guess"

"Okay great! We'll be there soon"

"Okay, bye"

"Bye Stacey"

"What was that about Y/N," Leslie questioned, "oh, Uh Stacey invited us to dinner at Claudia's house," Y/N replied, "oh okay. I have nothing to wear tho," Leslie laughed.

"Sure you don't. Plus, it's only like 4 pm, we have time," Y/N spoke.

"WE'RE HERE BITCHESSS!" Leslie screamed while running past the front door, "oh Uhm, I mean, we're back uh, people..?" Leslie corrected after seeing the disapproving looks from the other parents.

"Leslie, where are your parents?" Elizabeth sighed, "home," Leslie smiled.

"Now let's eat! I'm hungry," Leslie Whined.

"Damn Y/N you can't draw for shit," Leslie laughed, "oh fuck you bitch. At least I can do my nails," Y/N chuckled.

"I think your drawing looks amazing Y/N," Stacey complimented, "why thank you Stay," Y/N smiled, "Stay? What the hell is that?" Leslie laughed.

"It's her nickname you dumb fuck, now shut up," Y/N said as she lightly pushed her shoulder.

"Anyways...I'm done," Sam announced, holding his picture up, "is that a blender?" Stacey questioned.

"It's this thing I draw," Sam grinned, "boy if you don't-" Leslie rolled.

"Oh, cause nothing says "get well soon" like a blender," Kristy mocks, "well, I think it's cool," Stacey says.

"Of course you do," Leslie muttered, which Stacey heard but decided not to say anything.

"I might make one that covers my whole wall, once we're at watsobs house," Sam claims, "are you getting excited to move?" Stacey asked.

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