Birthday sex💚

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In honor of Jennifer's birthday recently..enjoy 🫶🏼

Jens POV:
I'm living my best life now literally everything is perfect in this time.
We're now sitting all together at the front of the boat, just waiting for the moment that starts my special day which everyone knows is kind of a big deal for me...
I don't even know why I just loooveee celebrating my birthday especially if the people I love the most are with me.


..."They start the countdown.

Ben looks at me and almost yells at me full of anticipation..


I laughed happyly and he gave me a birthday kiss.

Bens POV:

I looked at my wife and whispered in her ear
"baby come on let's go to camp, I have a birthday present for you"

"Okay sure baby I'll come", She said

"your favorite thing to do but also mine" i winked at her.

"Ouuu ok hurry go I'll follow you"

I went with her to the camp and kissed her passionately.Then i grabbed her waist and moaned.

She grinned, "That's the best present so far baby I love you"

I stroke her waist with my hand and then went to her ass.

"Baby trust me I love u more" I said.

She moaned and went on kissing him again.
Then i took off her hot beautiful tight flower bun and moan again.

"Baby don't teas me", she groaned

I was so lucky to have this sexy hot and just gorgeous woman at my side.
I love this woman just so much!
I started to take off her bra and then i took off her panties.

Jens POV:

I moaned loudly but not too loud I don't think it's necessary to "tell"everyone what we're doin on here although our fam probably knows..

"yes mommy" he said

"Oh baby I want you so bad" I grauned

"ok let's go" he said

He started to fuck me and we both moaned loudly.

"Yes Papi give it to me", I said under hard breath.

" jaf you're perfect in every way" he said

I just smirked at him and kissed him.
He started to fuck me harder and harder and he knows that I love that...

"Ahhhh" I screamed as he hit some very good points in me


"ouuuu mommy you're so good " he started screaming

"Papi im cominn" i yelled😩

"yes mommy come for ur daddy" he said


Then all of a sudden he slowed down

"Baby what the fuck" I said, "Why do you stop?"

"What sorry omg! Wait... are there omg emme & max?!" He said

"What om- emme" suddenly they just stuck their heads in our room...

"hey emme and max what are guys doing here" Ben said, trying to act normal... it that's even possible in that situation....

"What are you doing here? "I asked while hiding behind Ben because I'm still naked.

They said they can't sleep.

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