Chapter one: move in

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Backstory: you need to move out of your parents house and have a fresh start. You scroll on Zillow and find a house in Los Angeles and it seems to be in your price range. Even though you know about its past you decided to move in with your girlfriend, Kailey. You never knew what this would all lead to...

Y/n's Pov:
Here we are. I've finally made it to Los Angeles, never knew I'd end up here out of all places. My girlfriend, Kailey, isn't to stoked about this place but it's the best place we could find...well I could find she doesn't really pay for anything just kinda feeds of my low income job. But my introverted ass can't say anything to her. Anyway we just pulled up to the house.

The house honestly seems really nice. I walk in and throughly look at all the rooms, "so Kailey what do u think about this place?" I ask my girlfriend. " definitely not my type but it's whatever." that bitch.

We then started unpacking everything and I was working on unpacking in the living room when I hear someone knock at our door, "y/n go and get it!" I then run to the front door to see who's there. I open the door to be greeted by a woman with big blonde hair, " Hello you must be my new neighbor im Constance Langdon I live right next door, you must be...?" She asks reaching out for your hand, "y/n, y/n y/l/n" I answer back and reach out for her hand too. "Pleasure to meet you, I brought you this." Constance says and reaches a container out for me, I open it. "It's sage to cleanse the house, let me know if u need anything and if you have any trouble with the spirits around here I have someone that can help you, bye" Constance says and I reply back with a bye.

I continue to work on unpacking everything in the living room when I see Kailey enter the room, "so who tf was it?" Kailey asks in a snobby tone, I don't know how long I'll be able to put up with that bitch. "Our neighbor Constance she brought sage to sage the house with to cleanse it." I answer back showing signs I don't wanna be in this conversation, "oh we don't need that there's nothing in this house" Kailey answers back and takes the sage from my hands and throws it into the already started fireplace. "Kailey just go back to unpacking the stuff in the bedroom." I say back with anger in my voice, "okay snobby bitch" she whispered to herself so I wouldn't here but I clearly did. The reason she moved here with me is because I was basically left with no other choice and my family would probably think I'm a bitch for leaving her there. You see there is one thing different with us tho when we get mad at each other she voices all the rude things and I just show signs of anger.

I went back to unpacking the living room for another time and this time I was able to finish it while listening to music on my headphones. I then moved to cleaning up the kitchen. When I get to the kitchen I see a redheaded old lady with a maid suit on, " what are u doing here?" I ask the woman, "well I'm the maid for the other owners, im Moira do u want my assistance around the house?" I think about it and I answer with a yes. Moria then leaves because apparently her hours are already over for the day. I then go upstairs and unpack all of my clothes and other nicknacks. Kailey is already upstairs so she sees me and I tell her how Moria is going to be doing work around the house.

We ended up finishing the unpacking and ordering sushi that night and of course ended the night with us fighting cause she can't keep her big ass mouth shut. If I counted how many times I've wanted to break up with her I would be over 100 by now but like I said I'm not good at speaking up for myself.

Just as I was about to get settled in bed I see a red ball roll through the crack of the bedroom door cause it wasn't fully closed. I then roll the ball back to see if anything happens and about 30 seconds later it comes rolling back. What the actual fuck- I then wake up Kailey, "Kailey wake up this ball just came rolling through the door crack" I say and she looks at me like I'm absolutely insane. "It's probably just the wind dumbass don't wake me up again for this stupid ass shit." Kailey says and then she goes back to bed so I roll the ball back again and close the door. I really wish Kailey wouldn't have thrown the sage in the fire, that bitch.

I then settle In bed next to Kailey and I can't fall asleep after trying for about an hour so I decided to grab a cigarette and smoke outside to calm by anxiety from the whole moving situation, Kailey, and the whole red ball thing. I grab my favorite cardigan cause it's a little chilly and I go downstairs so I can smoke in the front yard. When i get outside I see Constance's lights on, that's weird it's like 2am but I mean do u ig. Right as I'm almost about to put out my smoke I see Constance in the window staring at me showing me a 'one second' symbol on her fingers so I sit there and wait. After about 2 minutes I see her coming out of her house and walking over to me. " so anything happen in the house yet" Constance asked me, " well a red ball came rolling into my bedroom but that's about it aside from my girlfriend being a bitch." I respond, she just nods and takes a drag from her cigarette, " well if you need someone to come to the house I have a medium, the names Billie Dean Howard  shes been my friend for awhile." Constance says to me, " well thank you but so far it's not anything I'm concerned about I'll tell u if I need her though but I'm going to bed now you can sit here till u finish your cigarette if you'd like, night Constance." I say to her, " night y/n be careful" she responds and I try not to think nothing of it as I go back to the bedroom.

A/n: not proofread but i hope you like it so far lmk if u have any chapter ideas, I'll try and update this a lot.

Word count: 1155

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