Heart Stopper (Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw)

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He walks away briskly as he's motioned over by a nurse with a man on a gurney. Rhiannon glances at Kacey and smiles. "Sounds easy enough. Like you said, a vacation." You both share a quiet high five before realizing you might as well make your way to the briefing. You both stroll quietly through the carrier until finding yourself in a large room. You both take your seats, and all is quiet awaiting the start but Kacey nudges you slightly as the men from earlier enter the room.

"Dude, that one's had his eyes on you since we saw him in the sick bay." She says under her breath as yet again before catching the cute pilot from earlier eyes again. "I call the blonde one." Rhi rolls her eyes playfully at her and nudges her to focus as the briefing starts.

As Rhi sits through the entire briefing it occurs to her that this mission sounds damn near impossible. At least two "miracles" as they call it would need to be performed to even achieve it, not to mention the dog fight when they leave enemy air space. In her experience with combat, this sounds like mass casualties waiting to happen. All is quiet as the team is officially announced. Rhi perks up a little when the sandy-haired man from earlier steps forward to the name "Rooster" being called.

When the briefing is over everyone is dismissed. On the way back to the bunk Rhi and Kacey quietly discuss how random and sometimes weird the call signs were. You giggle amongst yourselves as they walk back into their small room. Checking her watch, she realizes the briefing has taken over two hours and it's late. "Kace, we should get to bed. We report at 0700, remember?"

She grumbles but agrees and both get ready before settling into your bunks for the night. The next morning comes bright and early with the blare of the alarm she'd set the night before. Neither of them being morning people you both dress in your uniforms in total silence and head to the mess hall. Breakfast is a quick affair, and mostly quiet. The room is unusually hushed with the weight of what today could hold.

After an awful cup of coffee and a small breakfast both women make their way back to the sick bay. Tension is everywhere on the carrier as they both make their way into the bay. Rhi and Kacey report to their CO and are told that all stable patients have been discharged, and any unstable patients have been sent to the mainland for further treatment. You're both told to wait and if anything comes up, respond. If anything were to happen and you're needed, your squad's name is "Alpha Med Team". It brought Rhiannon back to the days on the ambulance working alongside Kacey as EMTs before they decided to join the Navy together.

Rhi settles into a comfortable chair with Kacey by her side and begins the start of one of the most boring days either of you have experienced at work. Without any patients to check on it's mostly sitting around gossiping with Kacey about the next post. You've both been tipped off that you were either being shipped off for another combat mission or being sent back to Fightertown again. Rhi would honestly be happy with either but going back to North Island seemed like a much more chill option. Her parents are both based out of the mostly overrun Naval town and it'd be nice to see them again.

Most of the day has passed when cheers could be heard erupting from all over the ship. A few people ran into the sick bay to exclaim that all pilots on the mission had returned, and the mission had been a complete success. Rhi claps along with them and selfishly wonders when their CO will allow her and Kace to leave. Their stomachs are grumbling, and it's almost 1900.

Rhiannon and Kacey are in the midst of a deep conversation on why military guys are just her type and how Rhi has actively avoided them when the tones sound throughout the sick bay. It jolts you both into focus as a voice overtakes the speaker. "Alpha Med Team. Cardiac arrest. Main flight deck. Delta response."

Every nurse's head in the bay whipped over to them as Kacey and Rhi leap to their feet. "Shit!" She grabs the AED machine, and Rhi grabs the medic bag before both take off to the hall full-on sprinting. "What the hell happened to vacation, Kace?!" Both bob and weave through the soldiers in the tight halls who ducked out of your way. "Clear the path! Medical emergency!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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