Chapter Two. Damn Good Babysitter

Start from the beginning

"I don't know!" he stressed, looking at the rest of the group for help as his eyes grew wider.

"Fireball him!" Lucas yelled.

Mike nodded in agreement, "Do it."

"I'd have to roll a thirteen or higher," Will shook his head, situation growing more dire by the moment.

Dustin hummed lowly in concern. He wagged a finger in the air, "Too risky," he spoke, "Cast a protection spell, Will."

"Don't be a pussy," Lucas loudly disagreed, "Fireball him!"

"Cast protection."

Lucy suddenly slammed her hands onto the table, pulling the boys attention away from each other, "I'm growing sick of your bickering," she shouted, "And so is the Demogorgan! It stomps towards you... boom!"

Mike's voice shook as he spoke, "Fireball him, Will!"

"Another stomp," she shouted, "Boom!"

"Cast protection!"

She was growing impatient. "He roars!"

With his friends and babysitter yelling in his ears, Wills nervous hands grabbed for the die as he made the ultimate decision, "Fireball!" the boy shouted, tossing it down onto the table before it rolled onto the ground.

"Where is it?" Mike shot up, looking around with wide eyes.

"Is it a thirteen?" Lucas fell on all fours in search for the dice, hands brushing against the floor.

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" Dustin began pacing, hands holding his head as his heart began to pound.

The basement door flung open. Karen Wheeler stepped through, hands on her hips, "Michael, we're home," the woman called, "Wrap it up!"

"Mom, we're in the middle of a campaign," Mike groaned, "Come on!"

She tapped her wristwatch, "You mean the end?" Mrs. Wheeler spoke, "Fifteen after." Turning on her heels, the woman hurried out of the basement with her whining son on her tail.

"Just twenty more minutes," he spoke, "Please!"

Karen clicked her tongue. "It's a school night, Michael," she shook her head, "You've had Lucy cramped in that basement for too long."

"Yeah, well, this took her two weeks to plan," he spoke, "How was I supposed to know it would take ten hours?"

The woman had to refrain from gasping. "You've been playing for ten hours?" Karen's eyes widened, "Michael, you've had your babysitter trapped there for ten hours?

Mike gave up with a frustrated sigh and stomped back downstairs, annoyance drawn on his face as he reentered the basement. Will suddenly found his die, shooting up in excitement, "I found it!" he yelled, "Does a seven count?"

"It was a seven?" Lucas said lowly. He turned around subtly, brown eyes falling upon his babysitter, who was across the basement. "Lucy didn't see it. It doesn't count." The group dispersed and they began collecting their things, walking together up the stairs and into the main section of the house.

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