Chapter 65 (Year 6)

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"He has all his teeth back in right now!" Charlotte yelled.

"You smacked him with your broom!"

"He smacked my son in the face! He's out cold in the hospital wing right now! You got lucky it wasn't me." James told McLaggen.

"See, I knew there was too much Lily in you. James is in there. We just saw that he was." McGonagall said.

"What? That's the best part!" James said as Lily smirked.

"Yeah, well, she's more of me than you."

"Excuse me, my jaw was broken!" McLaggen said,

"I'll break something else- "Charlotte said, standing up. Lily shoved Charlotte back in her chair by the shoulder. She glared at McLaggen, mouthing 'I will kill you later,'

"Charlotte is getting a month's detention."

"A week," James said,

"A month's detention," McGonagall repeated.

"Three weeks," Lily said. McGonagall glared at her.

"Well, she was protecting her brother," Lily said.

"A month's detention."

"Two weeks," James said, giving McGonagall the best grin he could, the same one he used during his time at Hogwarts.

"Fine. Two weeks, but if she gets into more trouble, she's going to get a month!"

"What! Professor McGonagall, that's not fair!"

"You're talking too much for a bruised jaw!" Charlotte commented,

"Yeah, let me make it hurt more," James said, raising his fist.

"He is a child!" McGonagall shouted, making James' sign.

"Two weeks, that's it. Your excused Ms. Potter, go straight to your common room." McGonagall said. Charlotte nodded.

"Yes, Professor," Charlotte said, standing up. She hugged her parents goodbye and glared at McLaggen before walking out of Professor McGonagall's office.


Charlotte walked into the hospital wing, seeing Ron up flipping through a quidditch magazine.

"I'm surprised you're not pretending to sleep." She said,

"Lavender stopped by before you did, so I was confident it wasn't her," Ron said. Charlotte shook her head at him, laughing.

"She's sweet, you know; she really likes you."

"Yeah, but I can't stand her saying, Won-won, one more time." He muttered, annoyed.

"Anyway, I heard you smacked McLaggen with your broom."

"Who told you that?" Charlotte asked, tilting her head at him.

"Ginny, and he was in here fixing his teeth."

"I did. He needed to be smacked. We need you back on the team, soon!" Charlotte said, Ron, nodded.

"Don't worry, I get out tomorrow."

"Good, I better go. Can you let Harry know I visited?" Charlotte asked. Ron nodded before Charlotte left.


Charlotte walked into the room of requirements, seeing Draco sleepily sitting on the couch, his head resting in his hand, as he had a book in another hand. He looked up at her and smiled.

"Hi, how was your match?" He asked, yawning as she took off her robe. She had taken a shower and changed into a pair of pajamas and put her Hogwart's robe over her clothes before coming down here.

"You've been down here the whole time?" Charlotte asked as she sat down next to him. Draco shut his book as she rested her head against her shoulder.

"Yeah, I let Crabbe go a couple of minutes ago. He was starting to get annoying."

"Well, you're making him be a girl and stand guard. For a huge guy like him, that must be degrading. But I think it's hilarious." Charlotte said, giggling.

"I think it is, too. So, what happened at the match?" He asked again.

"It went horribly wrong. McLaggen, that idiot, smacked Harry with the beaters' club. Harry was knocked out cold, with a cracked skull! So I smacked him across the face with my broom. He lost four teeth, and I got two weeks' detention." Draco started laughing.

"You did that?"

"Yeah, and I would have done more if Professor McGonagall wasn't there." Charlotte signed,

"I wish I was there."

"Will you come to my final match, please?" Charlotte asked.

"you know what okay, it's only going to be an hour or so anyway," Draco said. Charlotte grinned.

"Now, let's go to sleep. You can barely keep your eyes open." Charlotte said. He nodded.

"Ah, but you just got here."

"Ah, but you need to rest," Charlotte said, as Draco leaned down and kissed her. He grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap, still lip-locked. She wrapped her hands around his neck, one hand going into his hair.

"You can't convince me to stay up with just one kiss, Draco Malfoy," Charlotte whispered into his ear.

"Oh, but I do love trying to convince you." He whispered back, rubbing her back, as he started kissing down her neck.

"It's not working." She said, pushing him away, his hands resting on her hips.

"If you keep trying to stay awake, I'm going to go to my dorm room and sleep." She warned. He scowled.

"Fine, let's go to bed." He signed as he laid down on the large couch. The room of requirements had given them a large couch that comfortably fit both of them.

"Oh, how horrible it is to go to sleep," Charlotte said, sarcastically snuggling up next to him.

"I know, right?" She smacked him on the arm.

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