XVII. The cherry tree rumors.

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↪ ♡『SATURDAY』↪ ♡

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↪ ♡『SATURDAY』↪ ♡


I woke up at 7 AM, I yawned and stretched my arms. I head downstairs to eat a light breakfast, rice, and on top of it was Natto, a fermented soybean.

It's Saturday I shouldn't wake up at this time but I have to meet up with them. I went to take a light shower and go pick out some simple clothes that were perfect for the current weather.

I grabbed the first thing I could grab and it was yellow with a small daisy pattern sundress above the knee. It's not too hot so I could layer this.

I opened the first drawer and looked for a thin white sweatshirt to go underneath the sundress. It's simple and nice, I chose a brown bag and brown shoes to go with the theme at least.

Argh, it kinda looks like I'm going on a date...

I put on some light makeup before leaving the house. It was exactly 8:36 AM when I left, I should be on time when I arrive at the ice cream shop.

As I walk the block, I see the ice cream shop where we should meet up and there was already Osano who was looking at his phone near the light pole.

Instead of the usual side ponytail that he has, he has a half ponytail instead. He was wearing an oversized white t-shirt that had a cartoonish sunflower on the middle, paired up with beige cargo pants and brown sandals. Similar to mine.

"Hey, did you just arrive?" I waved at him, he looks up from his phone and then nodded, "Yeah. Like 5... minutes ago."

I looked around the place, it was a Saturday morning so there are not many people here. "Is Odayaka coming?"

"Speak of the devil, he's right there." He points behind me and I turn around to see Amao still walking to the ice cream store and focused on his bag, checking if he has his essentials with him.

He has his usual brown hair down, he was wearing a sleeveless dark green vest that had a small daffodil flower embroidery on the breast pocket with short-sleeved white polo underneath.

He was also wearing brown trouser pants, compared to Osano's pants is light brown. Amao has dark brown instead, is it me, or the three of us are matching?

 Amao has dark brown instead, is it me, or the three of us are matching?

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