"Winner: Professor Snape." She recited easily as Severus shook his head and jumped from the platform. Ariella frowned before smiling softly at him when he reached her.

 "You were holding back." She mumbled as he chuckled lowly.

"Indeed." Ariella shook her head before walking toward Lockhart, who was staggering to his feet.

"Looks like you lost, Professor." She remarked with a haughty smirk before leaving the stunned blonde behind her. Severus frowned before following her. Lockhart watched them leave with jealous eyes.

 "Cross." Severus easily caught up to Ariella in the almost deserted hallway. She turned to him easily.

"Yes?" She asked.

"You are upset."

 "No age limit? At all? Really?" She scoffed as she folded her arms across her chest. Severus frowned.

"Lockhart felt we would be discriminating against the younger students and Dumbledore agreed with him." He explained as Ariella rolled her eyes.

"As if that should have stopped you. You're more stubborn than an ass and yet you simply let it go. You didn't agree with me, did you? You didn't believe there should be an age limit." She accused as Snape shook his head. He should have known she wouldn't let this go, especially when they saw Harry Potter and his posse strut into the room.

"Cross, that is absurd." He responded as she scoffed.

"Is it, Snape? Honestly, when do you ever agree with me?" She questioned. Severus frowned.

"Do not dramatize this, Cross." He growled as she shook her head.

"Oh no! You and I both know you don't agree with anything I do or say because of our school years together!" She huffed as Snape's frown deepened.

"I became your husband, did I not? At your whim!" He replied harshly as Ariella rolled her eyes before throwing her hands into the air.

"Not without a fight! You only gave in because you knew it would get Gilderoy off of your back as well as mine, considering you set him on me." She argued as Snape took a threatening step toward the blonde. Ariella stood her ground, unwilling to let her fear for the Slytherin compromise her argument. Snape felt a little bit of pride swell at her stubbornness. The last heated argument between them had not ended well.

"I did no such thing, Cross!" He bit back as she scoffed, folding her arms across her chest.

"Snape, I know you!" She growled, glaring at him. He narrowed his onyx eyes onto her form as they had a stare-off.

"And how in the world do you suppose you know me, Cross?" He muttered lowly as she smirked.

"You hate Gryffindors, you like your eggs poached, you hate grading papers. You like solitude and potions." Ariella recited as Severus stared at her.

"Should I go on? Your wardrobe is mainly black. You prefer boxers to briefs. You stay in the dungeons because you think no one will bother you there." She finished in a huff as Snape stood there, flabbergasted.

"And you absolutely hate betrayal." She added quietly before sighing. Severus felt his anger die down. He had never given her the chance to get close to him, and yet she knew more about him than those who were close to him.

"So...I do know you." She muttered as Snape frowned. How had she gotten so close to him without him realizing it?


"I'm going to go grade some papers or something." Ariella mumbled as she turned to leave.

"Cross, I beat that idiot for you." Severus admitted lowly as Ariella paused mid-step. She sighed before she turned to him with a soft smile.

"Thank you." She easily grabbed his wrist and dragged him behind her. He seemed surprised by the action and fell in step behind her. She seemed to have a set destination in mind as she purposely led him through the empty corridors.

"Cross, what..." He stopped when she finally stopped in front of a painting of a pear. He instantly recognized the painting. The entrance to the kitchens was a familiar place for the Slytherin Head of House. Ariella easily tickled the pear and the portrait swung open with ease.

"Come on, Snape. I'll treat you to a butterbeer for winning."

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