I'm in my dorm and I start packing a bunch of clothes.

Shirts, pants, underwear, bras, socks, 3 different pairs of shoes, toothbrushe, toothpaste, a couple books, jewelry, pretty much my whole wardrobe.

I know it's only 4 days but sometimes I like to have different options depending on how I feel that day.

I call Harry.

Thankfully he picks up.

"Morning sleepy head" I say laughing from his bed head.

"I just woke up love. What's up?" He says.

"Well I'm suspended." I say with a smirk.

"Is that all?" He asks confused why that's the only reason I called him.

"Uh no actually I get to come home today until sunday" I say with a big smile on my face.

He jumps up from his bed "OH MY GOSH REALLY?"

"YES" I say

I'm so happy hes excited it's so cute.

"I'm about to be on my way so just be ready" I say to him.

"Dont worry I'll be standing at that entrance before your even in the vehicle.

"Okay well I have to go bye Harry" I say.

"Bye love."

I hang up the phone amd shove it in my hoodie pocket and head outta here.


I get out of the vehicle and see Harry standing right there.

I get my bag out of the car and run up to hug him.

He picks me up and spins me around.

He stops and gives me a kiss on my lips.

"I've missed you so much" He says.

"I've missed you too" I say back.

He sets me down and grabs my bag as we head up to his place.

"Jeez what did you pack in here" he says

"Uh four days worth of clothes and extra incase i change my mind" i look at him like he's dumb

We're at Harry's house and we head into his bedroom.

He sets my luggage down and picks me up to throw me over his shoulder.

"What are you doing you goof" I say.

"This" He slams me on his bed and starts to tickle me.

I laugh uncontrollably. "Harry stop right now" I say in between laughs.

"What's the magic word?" He says.

"Monkey bread" I say as a joke.

He stops and gives me a weird look.

"It was actually please but I'll let it slide" He says.

I give him a smirk.

"What?" He says.

I jump on top of him and start tickling him.

"I'm not ticklish love" He says.

I squint my eyes at him.

"Everyone has a tickle spot." i say in a devilish voice

his eyes go wide, "the fuck"

That's when I find it.

Hes ticklish on his ribs.

I start tickling him and he laughs uncontrollably "Stop y/n I'll do anything" He says between laughs.

"What's the magic word?" I ask teasing him.

"Please" he says.

I stop.

"It was actually kiss me but I'll let it slide" I say winking at him.

We just stare for a moment and then we kiss.

It soon turns into a makeout session when he starts to slide is tongue in my mouth slightly.

I do the same back to him and I hear him moan slightly.

I wrap my legs around him still sitting on the bed

he turns around and sets my to where I'm laying on my back still keeping the makeout steady.

He stays on top of my while I tug on his hair, he sticks his tongue in again and I slightly moan.

I can feel him smile into the kiss and I do the same.

He stops and takes of his shirt.

I've seen him shirtless plenty of times but right now he looks hotter then before.

He comes back smashing into my lips when I take off my shirt.

He helps me so it can be quicker and we smash our lips together again craving each other.

We stop to take a breath and we just touch foreheads.

I stare into his beautiful ocean eyes and get lost.

He starts kissing and sucking on my neck leaving marks claiming that I'm his.

I moan slightly and feel his smile again.

He stops and looks at me.

I turn him around so I'm straddling him and hes on bottom.

I start kissing and sucking on his neck leaving marks letting him know hes mine.

I hear him slightly moan and I smile at that.

I go back and kiss him on the lips.

He holds my face as we continue but I stop.

I look at him and all I hear is our heavy breathing.

We touch foreheads and hes still holding my face.

We lock eye contact and smile at each other.

"That was a bit heavy, and we havent even gotten to THE heavy part yet" I say.

"Yeah I know" He says.

He lays back down and I lay on top of him just enjoying him as much as I can.

We cuddle for a bit before I hear him snoring.

I pull the blanket over us and go back to being on top of him.

I feel his arms hug me tightly and that's when I knew.

I'm in love with Harry Hook.

1361 words

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