Chapter 2 "red"

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After I parked the trailer by the house I unloaded everything and unpacked. I gave Josh everyone's class schedules and I made something to eat for myself before Josh gave my my school uniform. I went to bed and when I got up in the morning I had my shower had some toast and got dressed in my uniform. After deciding that the uniform didn't fit my style i put a Led Zeppelin t shirt on underneath my open button up deciding to leave the blazer at home. I then put on my leather jacket and went outside where Josh was waiting. He had the top 3 buttons open on his button up shirt and had his blazer on.

"So Dante and Andrew are coming tomorrow?"

"Yeah they are wrapping up something before I make a portal for them tonight."

I then nodded before getting on my bike and rode off to school. When I was approaching the front gate I noticed that there weren't much guys around before I noticed a lot of eyes on me as I rode by. I pulled into the parking lot and got off my bike and started walking towards the main entrance. I couldn't help but feel eyes on me.

"He's so hot!"

"He looks like a bad boy."

"I wonder if he's single."

"Great another pretty boy."

"Another kiba."

I just put my ear phones in and played some music. I seen what class I have for home room so I went and I put my jacket in my locker and when I reached my classroom I had to wait for the teacher to call me in. I took my earphones off and when the teacher called me in I walked to the front of the classroom.

"Hey everyone I'm Johnathan Flint but you can call me John. I'm from Canada and recently moved here. If you want to talk come say hi and Let's see what happens."

I found a empty seat and put my earphones in and rested my eyes. The teacher tried to embarrass me by calling me for a question they thought I didn't know because I wasn't paying attention but I answered it perfectly and the teacher stopped bothering me. At lunch I went to eat outside I climbed a tree outside the old school building and sat on a branch. I ate my lunch and listening to my music I didn't notice the red head watching me from the window. After lunch I had class with Josh and then Josh went home after school while I went snooping to figure out who the red one was. And if I find her I'll get payback for my dad. I was deep in thought when I felt a tap on my shoulder when I was sitting under a tree. I took my earphones out and looked up to find sona standing there.

"Hey sona what's up?"

"Can we talk?"

I got up and put my phone away.

"Sure. Here? Or in private?"

"We can talk in my office."

We then went to her office where everyone left for the day. I sat down on the couch and noticed the chessboard was exactly the same as when I left.

"What do you know about the supernatural?"

I look up and sona had tea for us.

"I know a bit. My family used to be very religious. But not anymore. Why do you ask?"

I couldn't help but think that she's on to me. Does she know that I know?

"I'm a devil John..."

I spit my tea as I wasn't expecting her to just out right say it.

"Are you ok?" she says as she started gathering napkins.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just wasn't expecting you to outright say it."

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