Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

I turned on the living room TV and of course the news was the first thing that popped up.

The scene I saw before me glued me to the couch.

"It looks like Deku is holding Dynamite hostage. If any hero tries to enter the building he's threatening to kill him. Oh! Looks like our signal is being disrupted-"

The reporter was cut off and the screen changed to show Deku pointing a gun at Katsuki.

"So your probably all wondering what this is about.. well Katsuki Bakugou is not the guy you all think he is. You see we used to be childhood friends, but one day we weren't friends anymore when he got a quirk and I didn't. He bullied me my whole life for it. He even told me to jump off a roof and pray I would get a quirk in my next life. Do you all consider that a hero?"

I stood up clasping my hand over my mouth. Deku kept rambling on and on about crap from the past. Katsuki sat tied to a chair his mouth duck taped.

I had to do something. From what I could tell they were in some old abandoned building in town. I'd figure I could find it easily if a bunch of people were gathered around it.

Even though I was still pretty banged up I pushed through the pain. I ran back into the bedroom and found where Katsuki had put my weapons and clothes. I put on the ripped up bloody top, my jacket which was in pretty good shape and shorts, my boots, and strapped my guns to my hips. Then I was out the door.

I found a motorcycle in the parking lot outside. I hot wired it and rode off to save Katsuki.

I made it to the building and went to the back. Heroes were in the area blocking the entrances. There was one I recognized and decided to go up to him in hopes I could get past him.


He seemed utterly shocked I was walking towards him.

"I thought he had killed you and the rest."

"Well he didn' you gotta let me through. I'm your best bet at saving him."

"I don't know if that's a good idea kid. What's stopping Deku from killing you and then him?"

"At least let me try."

"Alright. Try not to die."

I nodded my thanks. Hawks had known about my spying and how I was playing sides. He was the one who gave me my communication device I used to communicate with Katsuki after all...

I made my way into the building. There was no one in the building which was rather weird. I figured Deku's lackeys would be guarding the place.

"Look it's a ghost."

I spoke to soon.

I turned around to find myself face to face with Dabi.

"Where is Deku?"

Dabi smirked in delight.

"Here for revenge?"

"Where is he?"

I demanded again.

"Room down the hall to your left."

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