Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

He asked me as he took a seat at the end of the bed.

"Everything hurts.. but other than that guess I'm okay."

"What happened?"

I took a deep breath trying to remember the events that unfolded recently.

"He had just finished elaborating on some mission he was going to send us all on today, but instead this morning the room was destroyed by a bomb. He planned to kill all of us and I somehow survived. At this point he probably thinks I'm dead though..."

Katsuki sat for a second before saying anything trying to process what I just told him.

"I'll never understand what goes on in his head, but I promise you I'll stop him before he hurts anyone else. It's my fault after all and I have to clean up my mess."

His fault? I mean he was one of the things that pushed Deku to become what he is today but not the only thing.

"It's not all your fault so cut that out."

He gave me a confused look.

"And don't start with apologizes and whatever again because I don't wanna here it. The Izuku we once knew is gone and now we have to destroy Deku."

"You want to kill him?"

Katsuki asked me.

"After everything he's done to me he more than deserves it."

"You don't think we can save him?"

"Are you kidding me? There is no saving him now trust me."

Katsuki looked away from me letting out a sigh. He then stood up from the bed.

"You hungry?"

"I could eat."

He nodded and headed for the bedroom door.

"Hey Kat?"


"Thank you."

He gave me a surprised look.

"You're really weird now you know that right?"

"I'm not weird just a little insane- but in all seriousness I am thankful. You came to save me even though you didn't have to."

"Of course I had to. I wasn't going to leave you to die."

His words shook me to my core. Deku would have left me to die, but Katsuki cared for me? Well I don't know if that was right. It seemed so unlike him.


Is all I could say in return. He then gave me a smirk and headed out the door to grab food I suppose.

I sighed and took in my surroundings. I must have been in Katsuki's room. I noticed a TV in the room and soon found the remote for it and turned it on flipping threw channels till I found the news.

I stopped on the news because his face was on the screen. Deku's face was on the screen. I don't know what the news was talking about. Probably about another horrendous crime he committed but I'm not for sure because my ears were ringing and my breathing got faster the longer his picture was on the screen. In anger I chucked the remote at the TV and broke it.

Then Katsuki walked in the room holding a tray of food.

"What the hell? Why did you do that?"

He said as he brought the tray over to the bedside.

"I'll get you another one."

I grumbled.

"Yeah? With what money?"

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