"Fought your ass. I still see they holding hands. My radar is sensitive you know."

Maitee points on his temple and everyone is trying to see Kluen and Nuea holding hand. Wawa laughs playfully before whispers to his friend that he saw it all, his friend can take them out.

Khabkluen throws the pillow away, his hand still hold Daonuea's tight on his thighs. Everybody is teasing them. Daonuea hides his red face because of shyness behind Kluen's shoulder.

"What are you so shy now, Nuea?

"This thing has to be make clear."

"Shit, take off his shirt. You guys did something in the tent last night right?

"Bastard, you were on the mountain, dude."

"How about Kluen?"

Those guys tease so hard that Daonuea has no where to hide. The smaller decided not to say anything, because he has learned that the more he sais, the more he got teased. Meanwhile, Kluen makes a calm face, but if you look carefully, you can see a small smirk.

"Are there any good news babe?"

Maitee places his hand on Khabkluen's shoulder. All of them are wating in disappointment now. Because Daonuea's behavior are really suspicious. Eventhough there was no kiss mark on his neck, but they sure that under that shirt, 'shit', tons of.

"Kind of."

"Aaaaaaaaaaa, my heart."

King of Architecture department slightly hits on his friend's chest, showing that he is really shy now. I don't understand what do you meant by 'Kind of', but I'm sure it was harsh like I thought. If it won't, shit, Daonuea can't even walk properly now.

Oiiiii, why this single as fuck person like me have to know this stuff?

"You are cruel, captain."

Pokpong is whining with Nay, Nay is whining to Win as well, then looks at Typhoon who is enjoying the view outside the window.

"W....What are you asshole thinking? Stop it!"

"How was it? Was it good, or not? Spill."

"Nothing happened!"

"Who believe Daonuea is a dog."

Nay said like a supposed thing.

"Nay, are you really my friend since kindergarten?"

"Nuea, I need a confirmation. Were you the one who make the move, or him?

Daonuea tiredly massage his temple. Make the move my ass. Just like that was already bad enough. When he woke up, he confused because he only wore a hoodie, no underwear, no pants. And Khabkluen didn't wear top but the pants still on. They were cuddling. It was bright enough to see all of ther bitten mark on his inner thighs, his face was red like he was ran a thousand miles. Khabkluen after fully awake, he hugged him and gentlely kissed on his forehead like he was expecting the things happened last night would happen again. If P'Fah knows about this, his heart will break. He will punches Kluen for sure.

Hu hu hu hu. Daonuea was the one make the first move.

Daonuea must be the one makes the first move!

"There is nothing big happened. Okay got it."

"You should sleep Nuea. You must be tired because of last night."

"You look really exhausted."

Damn it, nothing big happened?

(T/N: I cutted down some parts are not really related. Mainly that was the scene that Moons gang hangout.)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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