Chap. 2

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I woke up, my eyes felt swollen shut. Normally, I would stay laying down, until I remembered what happened. 



The thoughts swam around my head like an olympic pool. I sat up quickly, my head bonking against somebody else's. "ow, what the f*ck, AH!" I screamed, my head met with The Grabber's. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare ya" he said, politely. Like he had any right to be nice to me when he tried to kill me? 

He moved his face away from mine, staring at me intensely. "Would you like a soda?" he asked me, and I glared at him. "fine." I said, and he went to retrieve some. Bruce woke up from next to me, rubbing his temples. 

That's when I noticed three shadows in the corner. "What the f*ck! Hey! Shadow f*cks! Come out!" I said, and three boys appeared in front of me. I knew who they were. Vance Hopper, Billy Showalter, and Griffin Stagg. 

They looked like absolute sh*t. That's when I lost my temper. "How the hell do we get out of here? Where the hell are we? What the hell!" I shouted, and Billy looked at me. "Me and Vance have been trying to get out for months, you two wanna help?" he asked, switching eye contact from me to Bruce. 

"Uh yes! We need to get the f*ck out of here!" I said, and Bruce nodded "yea let's get this sh*t going" as we sat in a circle, taking in our surroundings. Except, Griffin didn't come. He went and sat in a corner, doing who knows what. 

"Why isn't he helping?" I asked the other two boys, and they rolled their eyes. "He never does. Nobody knows why though, so don't take it personally" Billy explained, and Vance nodded. "Motherf*cker acts like he's already dead, and he may as well be" 

Bruce rolled his eyes, as we planned. "We can get out through that window?" I asked, and Billy shook his head. "Nobody can even fit, not even you" he said, and I rolled my eyes. "Well I can't, but maybe he can" I said, gesturing towards Griffin. 

"Please, if you can convince him, then we can do it" Vance said, laughing with Billy. They obviously had zero belief in me. Which was, and still is, stupid. I can get him to do it! I'm sure he wants to leave too!

I walked over and sat next to him, my eyes looking deeply into his. "hey, can you help us-" "No" he said immediately, cutting me off. "You didn't even let me finish!" I said, and he rolled his eyes at me. "I don't need to. The answer is no." he said, shrugging his shoulders. 

"Please? At least let me explain!" I asked, and he sighed. "Fine, but be quick" he said, and I took a big breath. "We need you to escape through the window. You're the only one that could fit!" I said, looking at him, as he laughed in my face. 

"That won't work. The Grabber has a window there, I'd die" he said, stopping his laughter. "Well then, do you have an idea?" I asked him, and he shrugged. "What's the point, we're dying here anyway" he said, and I gave him a shocked glare. 

"How could you say that?!" I asked, standing up. "Because it's true. It's happened before, and I don't doubt it will happen again." he said, and I sat back down. "What do you mean it has happened before?" I asked. 

"None of your damn business!" he said, absolutely offended. "I-I didn't mean to offend you!" I stuttered nervously. What the hell happened here? What did he mean 'it's happened before'! 'Somebody's f*cking died here!" I thought, now even more scared for my life. 

Nonetheless, I returned to the three boys sitting on the floor and shook my head 'no'. "Knew it!" Billy called, and I looked at him. "Billy?" I asked, and he looked at me. "Yea?" he said, picking the dirt out of his cuticles. 

"He said 'it's happened before' when we talked about death..has somebody died here?" I asked, and Bruce looked concerned. " know..I'm really I'm just going to go lay down" he said nervously, going to lay on the mattress in the far corner. 

"Vance?" I asked, and he looked at me. "Yea, I'm just going to go too, I'm tired as hell" he said, and I stared at Bruce. "What the actual f*ck" he asked, and I agreed. "I'm going to go try and pry it out of Griffin" I said, and Bruce nodded. 

"I'm going to sleep, it's late" he said, climbing onto our shared mattress. I sat my Griffin, who groaned. "You again, what the hell do you want?" he asked, and I stared at him. "Who died here, Griffin?" I asked, and he groaned again. 

"Why won't you tell me!" I shouted, standing up. "Because it isn't any of your f*cking business!" he shouted, but I knew it was. Those three were hiding something from me, something dark and evil. "DID YOU KILL SOMEONE!" I shouted, and he looked at me confused. 

"WHAT? NO! WHAT THE F*CK!" he shouted, and a sense of relief flooded over me. At least the boys weren't part of the murder. But did they witness it? I just had to find out... 

"Can't you just tell me!" I begged and pleaded, and Griffin groaned again. "Would you get off my a*s, or just f*ck off? Respectfully.." he said, but I needed to know. I had this internal urge, this was important, and useful information. 

"Tell me!" I shouted, and he looked at me. "No, I'm going to bed. I have a f*cking migraine from your screaming" he said, walking over to his mattress. I huffed, laying next to Bruce on our shared mattress. 

"Did he tell you?" Bruce asked, sleepily. "No.." I said, still annoyed. "That sucks" Bruce said, falling asleep ten seconds later. But I knew, no matter what 

I would find out what happened here. 


OK! Chapter two to all my fics is up! 

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