"Oh god, painter father."

Win teases Daonuea, who is seeing the amazing view and drawing into the notebook in his hands. Khabkluen came with Win, then walks to his lover. Anf pink hearts flies everywhere at the moment Dental Moon sits down and places his chin onto his lover's head and whispers something in a cute way, points this and that place, then laughs. Sean, Winm Nay, Pong have seen it all but can't do anything. They love each other, it's a good thing.

"You smell nice."

Kluen said quietly before sniffing Daonuea's shoulder.

"You are so crazy in love. I am sweating because of walking.

"I accept it."

Then he looks at the paint of Daonuea in his notebook. It's sketched by a strange black pen. Daonuea smile brightly, taps the pen down on a new page.

"Sit in front of me. I wanna draw Kluen."

"Not drawing enough of me?"

"Nooooooo. Can I draw you, just a litte."

"How to do that, Daonuea?"

"Can Nuea draw Kluen a little bittttt?"

He crosses his hands, begging to do something, and his lover can't calm himselves from the thought that want to bite his shoulder. That cute way of begging when he does to other, multiplies 10 times when he does it to his borther, and 100 times when he does to his lover.

Kluen got teased everyday, wondered if he was Budha or not. Why there have no sign of it? They have date for a long time but nothing happened. The furthest he went just only bite on his lover's shoulder, then let Daonuea lies on the bed and asks permission to take a bath like a true man. He wasn't sure that Daonuea know what was he doing in the bathroom or not.

P'Kuafah purest person... Sigh, there is nothing like him in Daonuea.

"So sweet, so freaking sweettt."

MaiTee is the last one to come, with Typhoon who is places his arm onto Kluen and Nuea when they were drawing. Shoes that covers with dust are slightly kicking Daonuea. The smaller pushes away like usual. MaiTee sticks out tongue, squeezes King of the school's arm before leans his head onto the other shoulder in a weird way since they have the same height. Daonuea looks at how Architecture Moon has to bend down to able to leans on Typhoon's chest

"Honeyyyy, are you tired?"


"Asshole, don't be cold like that, play along."

"Okay okay...Oh,oh"

Typhoon said, smoothly like a programming robot then slaps Maitee's head while this dumb ass teasing Daonuea, as he wanted to say, I won't loose to you., never!

"Tee, look at Phoon now."

"Why Nuea. He is just a bad boy, I don't expect much."

"I'll play along with you, just 30 minutes.

"Honey, kiss me. I'm exhausted.

Then hold onto Typhoon, tried to kiss him. King of the school strongly resists, because Maitee always talks flirty like that. Not only to him, but to everyone. He like a psychopath like to touch everybody. Sometimes people empathy with him, but mostly they just wanna kick him away.

"Maitee, you bastard, you wanna do this huh?"


"Hurry up, you asshole, over here."

PokPong who is done helping his friends make tent is now bringing out the mat in front of it and waving for Maitee. The one who is being kissed feels relief because Architecture Moon left him.

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