Chapter 1

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Natasha woke up to a deafening silence. Surveying the room, she noticed fresh blood on the floor, grabbed the spare gun from her bedside drawer, and got out of bed in one fluid movement.

Walking across her room, Natasha opened the bedroom door to find progressively bigger puddles of blood heading down the hall. "Clint? What the hell is this? Hello?"

As minutes went by, she slowly followed the trail, scoping out each shadow and vent for possible threats. The blood trail lead into the living room, and to the widow it looked empty.

Then it went straight to hell.

In the middle of the room, Natasha spotted Peter laying in a pool of blood. The agent froze.

Never in Natasha's life had she froze, but she did. Unmoving, the only way she knew her nephew was alive was by the groans of pain he was emitting.

Natasha ran to Peter's side and knelt down. "Hey hey hey Peter, I'm right here, okay?"

"М-Мама Паук?" The boy coughed up blood and cried out, staring up at his aunt. "Help me p-please... C-couldn't stop them."

"No Ребенок, not you too. Please Pete, I can't loose you!"

Tears continued to stream down the sides of Peter's face as he stared blankly into the distance. Natasha grabbed her nephew's hand firmly. "No, Peter. Peter! Stay with me, please! You're my little spider, my perfect Ребенок Паук. I cannot lose you too."

Peter's hand started going limp and Natasha panicked. "Please please please Peter. Please squeeze my hand if you can hear me." There wasn't the slightest squeeze.

Natasha started crying. It wasn't new for her, but she'd never done it out of her bedroom. She openly started sobbing into the chest of her dying nephew, yelling his name as he took his final breath.



Tony shot up in his bed, panting. What's happening? What's wrong with Peter?

Quickly pulling on a shirt and pajama pants, the billionaire ran out of his room to find smeared blood scattered of the ground.

He didn't bother acknowledging it though, instead taking the liberty of following his friend's scream into the living room. Tony wasn't even fully awake, but collapsed next to the lifeless body of his son.

"N-Nat what the fuck happened to Peter?!"

The wallowing widow stared at the boy's face, shakily inhaling and closing his eyes. Slowly, Natasha pushed her body backwards, away from her family.

Away from Peter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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