2: the day we first met

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Eunbi's pov

"It was about...12 years ago when we first met." I started, which made sojung look at me interestingly. "Yewon and I were about 22 years old at that time while Eunha unnie was 23."

"Oh so you're 34 now right?" Sojung asked.

"Turning 34 this year." I answered as Sojung nodded so I continued talking.

"The day we first met, it was just so sudden but memorable." I started. "We're not in the same school so there's a slight chance for us to meet but we met, accidentally." I added. Sojung remained focused on my story as she carefully listened while eating her steak so I continued.

"It wasn't a typical meet-up where we would randomly see each other as strangers in coincidence and then ignore each other after. We were strangers, but we didn't ignore each other." I explained which made Sojung raise both of her eyebrows showing how she's interested with what I just said.

"I guess Eunha told you already the reason why we are studying in the same year even though she's a year older than me." I stated in which Sojung nod her head in response.

Eunha told me that it was because she was scared of going to school when she was a kid so she ended up enrolling the next year instead. It caused her to study a year behind the students with the same age as her. But if you look at it, we wouldn't get to meet each other if that didn't happen.


Eunbi's pov

"Sinb!" I saw someone scooting towards me but still carefully excusing herself from the students surrounding through the corridor.

I looked at her direction as she waved her hand to greet me and wrapped her right arm around my shoulders. She's Jung Eunbi, I call her Eunha so we can stop getting confused when people call us eunbi. For that reason, people also started calling her eunha, and they call me sinb. We're studying in the same university, same course, and same section. That's how we became friends, we're practically been hanging out together for 4 years now since we've been classmates since freshman year.

"So, about the internship, have you decided where you would be doing your teaching internship?" Eunha asked. She's asking about the announcement earlier where we will be submitting the requirements to a school of our choice wherein we would be doing our practice teaching. It's commonly called us "student teacher" or "practice teacher". As a future teacher, it is important for us to have experience before graduating and this internship will give us the opportunity to do so.

"Yup, I'm planning to submit a letter to the nearest elementary school from our house. I find it practical. You?" I asked as we walked through the corridor to go outside the school and eat. We need to submit a letter to the principal of the school where we would be starting our internship so they can assign a licensed teacher for us and start the internship. I'm planning on submitting the letter to the principal this week so I can already start for the internship.

"The school you always pass by on your way home?" Eunha asked again and removed her right arm that was previously wrapped around my shoulders. I nodded in response to her question. "Yeah, it's easier for me."

She nodded in a 'Yeah, you do have a point' way. "I actually planned to go there as well, there's another elementary school that I can think of but it's too far from our house so...I might submit a letter to the same school as you." she added.

"Wait." I said as I held her shoulder to make her stop her tracks as well. I noticed a small dust on her shoulder and removed it.

"A dust?" She asked as I finished dusting it off. "Yeah..." I replied as I nodded in response and removed the small dust away from my hand and we continued walking outside the school gate. It's just one of the cases where we unconsciously do that, you know? If there's a strand of hair on someone's shirt, or if there's a small strand of thread on someone's shoulder, we just absentmindedly remove it for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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