Chapter 5-Sneak Out

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But as soon as they noticed a sign saying "Closed" attached to the door, the smile rapidly vanished. Nancy said, "Shit," and they both moaned that they had been let out for nothing. " We merely managed to get away for nothing, then." Nancy was annoyed by Michael's remark, but she knew the harsh truth. To locate a closed store they can't enter, they did actually sneak out. "I suppose so," she sighed. She said, "Come on, let's just go in the mor-," as she started to go back. Another female voice abruptly interrupted her. "Hello! I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the store is obviously closed."

They both turned around, and as soon as they did, a woman and a boy standing behind her hailed them. The woman had...a stunning appearance. Her blue eyes, light gold hair, and freckles, which complemented her pale complexion...Moreover, her lips... No, no! Nancy, keep focused. You merely came to pick up a few things, nothing more. "My apologies, yes." She clears her throat before continuing, "But as the princess, I think that can be changed, yes?"

After Nancy removed her hood, she prodded Michael to do the same to show their true identities, and he did as she asked. The woman and boy both had their eyes opened wide at the unexpected customers. " Oh, I guess your majesty is correct." The woman reached into her pockets, assuming that she was reaching for her keys to unlock the shop. As soon as she got the keys, she put it toward the keyhole, inserts in, and twists. She pushed the door open, "You may enter." And with that saying, the Wheeler siblings plus the unknown boy entered the shop. "Thank you so much, er..." Nancy seems perplexed as she observes the two.

"Robin Buckley," Before Robin could continue, she looks across to Will and wraps her arm around him. " And this is Will Byers, my apprentice." Why is Robin making a smug expression at Michael? After giving it some thought, Nancy turned to face her brother. Oh. she reflected once more. Michael was blushing violently. It was obvious that her brother might have had feelings for the boy with the brown hair. Will was unaware that the reason Michael was tomato red was because of him, though. "So, Princess, what do you require?" Robin turned to face Nancy and said, "It's on the house." Robin, who was waiting for Nancy's response, had her arms crossed as Nancy turned her head back to her. She scans the store for the item she came for when she spots swords. She walked over and said, "This." She reaches out and takes the sword by the handle. Robin raises an eyebrow in disbelief and asks, "Really?" "You, the most gorgeous, well-known princess," she exclaims in shock. "Seeks to purchase a weapon. And to top it all off, you most likely snuck away to even purchase one." Robin was asked by Michael, "How did you know?" He queried. Before responding, Robin snorted at his ridiculous question and analyzed them both, "I don't know, I guess. Perhaps as a result of your really menacing cloaks. But I could be mistaken." She said with sarcasm. Will unintentionally laughed at this, while Michael was irritated by Robin's wit. He also couldn't help but think his laugh was adorable. Cute. He thought, but as soon as he realized he was staring, he quickly turned away, blushing furiously. What is wrong with me? He slapped himself internally. "Yes, of course I want to get this sword," said Nancy, rolling her eyes in irritation. Then, she recalls what her brother had said.

"The proprietor of the shop you wish to visit is "The Golden Witch," have you ever heard of her?" Nancy nods in a sign of saying "No". " Wow, you're really behind." says Michael.

"The Golden Witch"? Why is that nickname used? She might be an expert combatant or a wizard. She is too young to know any magic, thus it is understandable why she is well-known. Then, an idea suddenly entered her mind. What if, instead, she taught me magic?

Then Nancy instantly turned to Robin and stated, "I wish for you to teach me magic." Unaware, Robin blinked at her. "Huh?" In response to Robin's question, Nancy groaned and said, "I wish for you to teach me magic." "Uhm, why?" Nancy couldn't tell the truth, she had to come up with a lie. "To fight off evil, of course."

Wow such ridiculous nonsense! There's no way she's going to believe that. Congratulations, Princess Nancy. How noble of you.

Then, still looking surprised, Robin leaned against a shelf that held her miraculous goods. "Just...Let me get this straight, you, Princess Nancy, wants me to teach you about the Dark Arts of Magic." Nancy responds to her inquiry, "Yes." Robin tried to understand what Nancy had said as she regarded her with a bewildered expression. "So that you can fight the evil around here?" "Yes!" Nancy repeated while rolling her eyes. Robin sighed, "You've got to be kidding me..." "What's wrong?" Nancy asks, raising an eyebrow at her. "Sorry, your highness," Robin says, turning to face Will, who was currently speaking with Michael. "I've already started instructing little Byers over there." She gave Robin a sad-eyed gaze and said, "Oh... I understand. I apologize for troubling you," Nancy says. Robin examines her dejected expression and starts to feel guilty. She then turns to face the sword in her hands. "If you desire... I could teach you how to duel with a sword," Robin says, catching Nancy's attention. Nancy's expression quickly changed from grief to glee. "Really?" Robin smirks in response to Nancy's question, "Of course, I know a thing or two about fighting." Suddenly, Nancy hugged Robin to express her gratitude. As a result of his close touch with the princess, Robin's pale face turns pink. Eventually, she submits to Nancy's desire for a hug and wraps her arms around Nancy's back.

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