07: Game Plan

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As different groups are made, Addison and Max make themselves comfortable on the couch, the Harrington girl telling the Mayfield that they were simply on the bench. "I'll be on the bench anyway if it meant being with you"

The boys, however, weren't having it.

They were giving the older Harrington a very hard time. That was, until they heard Billy Hargrove's Camaro pull into the drive way. "Oh shit. Everyone hide!"

As Steve walks out, Addison told the boys multiple times to get away from the window before they could get spotted.

Of course, luck was not on their side

As Billy Slams the door open, He sees the middle schoolers huddle together towards the middle of the room. "Max! What happens when you disobey me?!" As Addison pushes the boys to the kitchen, Dustin throws her one of Will's needles, just as her brother comes in and pounces on Steve.

While Steve may be known as the greatest of all time, he's gotten his ass handed to him many of times.

As the fight turns for the worst, Addison sneaks up on Billy and sticks the needle in his neck, "you little shit"

Max slams Steve's bay invetween her stepbrothers legs, "you leave my friends and my Addy alone, got it?"

"Screw you" Slamming the bay closer to his mad hood, Billy realizes his sister isn't playing, "got it" as the tall brunette passed out, Addison takes his keys, "if you shitheads wanna go help, you gotta help me clean up Steve first"


With Max in the drivers seat, Lucas giving her the directions, and Addison sitting backwards on the middle console, holding on for dear life.

As much as she didn't want Dustin holding her brothers head up, she had to give the girl she adored help in the front seat while holding onto the pain pills her brother would immediately take when waking.

As max makes a sharp turn, Steve suddenly starts to wake, "hey Stevie, take this" following what his sister says, Steve only sits up after he's taken three big gulps.

"Woah, what's happening?" Calming her brother down, Addison starts to explain what's going on. "Max is driving us back to the pumpkin patch. We're in Billy's car. I told these assholes we weren't going without you. They were going to leave you behind."

"Why aren't you driving? You've had so many lessons from me!" This sent all the boys into an uproar. "You know how to drive, and yet you STILL let max into the drivers seat!"

"My brother comes first asshole! Max is very capable of getting us there! If I trust her why can't you!" As the car take a sharp left turn, Addison holds onto the back of Max's seat for dear life. Letting out a loud scream, she was truly scared the car would flip over.

"Told you, Zoomer"


"Steve-O, we aren't going down! I trust them so you need to as well" Addison was struggling to get a concussed Steve to sit down. The rest of the group would be heading down the tunnel to finish their end of the mission.

She knew of Steve tried to go down, she would have to follow her big brother and be his eyes. "Let's go Addie, you're not staying up here alone." Steve had never left Addison alone, and it showed with how close the pair were. Following behind her brother, she knew there was no where else she'd rather be than beside him, doing stupid ass shit.

As the group make it down, with Steve somehow leading, Addison doesn't let her brothers shirt go. Within the last few hours, she'd seen him hurt in a way she'd never want to again.

Somehow, someway, dart came into view with the group. Addison literally leaped into the arms of her brother. Steve, catching his sister always, decides it's time to make a run for it. As they quickly finish their task, they all start to pile out. Addison refused to see her brother out after her, so he selfishly came out last. As the group lay in the grass, catching their breaths, they couldn't believe what happened in the tunnel.

Handing the keys to his baby sister, "Addie please drive us. I love our lives kiddo"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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