"I don't care, Parkinson." I drawled.

"Our safety window to work with here is larger than it should be, and you are running emotional terrorism suicide bombs throughout our family. I won't allow you to self-destruct." She raised her voice with each word, stripped my pillow from under my head; then tossed it to the floor.

"I'm not ' self-destructing ' you cunt," I spat back, "if you want to be a young Narcissa Malfoy and take in a charity case then skip over to your fuck-buddy Nott."

I heard her huff before swiftly yanking the blanket to fall on top of the pillow, "Too bad, because your mother already signed off on you for my charity work this term. Get. The fuck up. Now. We have work to do."

I rolled to my other side to face away from her since I can no longer find solace in my duvet or pillow.

"NOW, Draco," She bellowed, "and put clean trousers on, I can see the spirit stains from Hogsmeade."

"No," I reiterated and I couldn't even sound less enthused, "and why would you be looking."

"Because it's a stain the size of the Irish Sea," she bit back, "it's practically iridescent."

"You're a horrible person."

"Look in the mirror, at least it makes me look fit." She turned around to exit the room, "And I mean it, Malfoy, out of bed and dressed in five minutes or I'm grabbing Zabini to drag you and display your trousers for the common room."

I groaned, "Give me ten."

Pansy nodded and moved to take the last few strides out of the room.

"Pans," I alerted, "do you know if Nott managed to get the drugs and alcohol?"

"I could commit murder and no one would find you," she whisper-yelled her threat.

My eyes went wide and I rolled out of my bed towards my wardrobe, and I heard the door to the dormitory click shut. I pulled out a black hooded jumper and beige linen trousers. Then my door swung open as I reached for the hem of my t-shit, preparing to stip it off. Many unforgivable words slipped from my lips.

"Self-cleaning charms exist, Draco," Pansy stated, "use them, you smell like an ogre's neck folds."

I rolled my eyes then snatched my wand forcing the door shut on her and locking it. Then the hairs in my nostrils seared a bit as I caught a whiff of my body.

Maybe I'll give her that.

I stripped out of my clothes and changed my boxers, using cleaning charms on myself before slipping into the clothes I had set aside.

Pansy may be a pain at times, but I can't deny what she's done for me all the other times. As I walked towards the door to exit, I caught the image of myself in a full-lengthed mirror. My hair was flat against my head, the shadows around my eyes were deep, and my skin had a yellow tint to it. I looked ill. I urgently ran my fingers through my hair attempting to appear more, I don't know... alive?

There wasn't much I could do with the rest of my appearance, so I took a deep breath and sighed; then turned to grab the doorknob and swung into the corridor to meet Pansy.

"To your standards?" I slurred sarcastically as I saw Pansy leaning on the wall to my right.

She looked me up and down slowly, I could see her screaming in the vast plane of her mind. then shrugged, "It'll do I suppose."

Her nostrils flared and sucked up all the patient air around her then slowly released it. "Have you grabbed a few galleons for our exertion?"

"I'm not the only rich bloke in the common room, Parks." I deadpanned. "If you wanted a shopping spree, take your pick of the lot that doesn't include me."

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