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ctto to the owner from where I have gotten the inspiration for this Dark Moon: The Blood Altar family Oneshot: @/orphan_account on ao3

A family au wherein a vampire family, who coexists with humans, goes along their weekend Saturday Morning


NOTE: I will be changing Solon's power here and make him a full Vampire cuz idk what to write about therianthropy and yeah, imma change his powers and if y'all don't like it, just don't read this.

Heli woke up early as usual.

It was a Saturday Morning and Heli was loving the peace and stillness surrounding the house as he gently stirs a spoon through his coffee that brought a comforting and relaxing smell to his nose. The weekends are Heli's favorite kind of days, its always a day where he could escape the usual morning chaos the weekdays hands to him of getting his and Jaan's five children up and ready for school and daycare in a hurried manner

Heli smiles as he sees Jaan stumbling into the kitchen, still half-asleep in the golden eyes of his husband. Placing down his warm morning cup of coffee, he then slides down one warm morning cup of coffee for Jaan with a quote that labelled as "No. 1 Husband" on the very front

"Hard night." Heli comments first thing as he sees Jaan taking ahold of the cup's handle "I couldn't keep you all to myself last night. I had to share you with Noa." He frowns, making Jaan chuckle in a low voice as he takes a sip of his coffee

"You wouldn't believe." Jaan sighs, orange eyes finding his husband who had sat before him waiting for a continuation of his previous sentence "Whoever between Shion or Solon had told Noa that there was a monster under his bed, I'm gonna have a word with them." Heli offered an apologetic smile, knowing fully well that Jaan wouldn't hesitate to pull either Solon or Shion, their two older children, into a serious conversation about the how many countless times he has told them to stop scaring their little brothers with such stuff

They sat in silence for the new few minutes, enjoying the peace and quietness while it lasted. When Heli felt a small tug unto his shirt, he looked down to find a pair of round green sapphire eyes peering up to him. Heli couldn't help the smile that spread wide on his lips as he leaned over to pick his sleepy yet adorable four-year-old "Good morning my little silver grape!" Heli sing songs, the toddler let out an adorable, soft yawn and snuggles his little figure to Heli's embrace

Jaan smiles at the fluffy scenario of his husband and their toddler as he finishes off the last bit of coffee left in his cup before standing up from his seat in front of Heli to place his used cup to the sink "Jakah, since you're the first one who woke up early today, you get to choose what breakfast you want." Heli began, chortling at how his four year old perked his head up at the mention of food

"What do you want, sweetie?" Jakah lowers his head down as he starts to think, his chubby baby fingers on his chin as he thinks thoroughly in his head on what he truly wants for breakfast based on the question his Mommy had asked of him before responding with "Biscuits"

That was an answer in which Heli chuckled at "Now now honey, you can have all the biscuits you want here at home but if you want to grow tall, big and strong just like your older brothers and your Papa, how about pancakes? Or maybe waffles?" Heli suggested, fondly pecking his precious four-year-old's cheeks. Jakah giggled and nod

While Heli stood up and sits Jakah down on his chair as he decides that he'd whip up waffles for their family of seven till he then finds out that they have already run out of eggs, and Jaan had noted that they have run out of eggs. Looking over to Jakah sitting innocently on his chair, Heli then looks over to Jaan before winking at him and then turning back to their son

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