"But inside, there's a flower of goodness. When it blooms, you feel a tingle of positivity, and you're going to want to feel that tingle

Maybe they were planning something. Planning something to get the Golden Dolphin. You decided to focus on your job for now.

"So we're going for a tingle?"

Fazing out Marmalade's talking, you noticed the slight smile on Wolf's face. It intrigued you. They might have a plan. A plan that would take your relatively normal life away.

As you watched the people in the room walk to the "lab", you noticed Miss Tarantula seemed reluctant to even look at you. You felt uncomfortable looking at her too. Probably best to leave that alone.

"Okay, Mr. Snake, I'm going to give you a push pop."Marmalade pulled the mentioned push pop out of his pocket. It might have been partially melted. You learnt that the hard way after leaving a piece of candy in a car's storage compartment.

"Great! Push pop, just for me." Mister Snake opened his maw, intent on swallowing it whole.

"No, to share."

"Why?" Did the snake have some sort of psychological connection to push pops? Perhaps it was a reassuring sign if he ever decided to doubt himself. No, probably not.

"Well, on a fundamental level, it's about putting someone else's needs above your own."

Mr. Shark sat down on the table, smiling, for some reason. Mr. Snake seemed scared at the thought of even giving him the push pop.

"Oh no, no way."

"Snake."Mr. Wolf reminded him. It almost seemed like Wolf was reminding the snake to act nice. In fact it was, probably.

"All right, all right." Defeated, Mr. Snake slithered over to Shark, holding the push pop close to his core as he sat down on the tiny chair.

"This is going to taste extra sweet because I know how bad you want it."

Mr. Snake held out the sugary treat in front of him, as Mr. Shark opened his gaping mouth, full of sharp teeth.

"Nope, sucker!" The snake tossed the push pop into the air, catching it with his mouth and swallowing it in one quick motion.

"That's it! I'll teach you to share!" Mr. Shark grabbed Snake, shoving him into his mouth.

You almost gagged at the sight, along with the other Bad Guys, who seemed to be similarly shocked.

"I like sharing. It's yummy."

"Spit him out. Now." You pointed your gun at Mr. Shark. Well, it wasn't technically a gun. More like a dart shooter. Except the darts moved as fast as a bullet. And you knew exactly where to shoot to cause a hemorrhage.

"Let's try something simpler." Marmalade said already turning away from Mr. Shark. Mr. Shark had succumbed to the threat of getting shot pretty easily, but you had to turn away before he actually spit him out.

"Wait outside with the others, please." Professor Marmalade instructed. "Oh, and put away the firearms, please, Y/N."

You put the pistol away as you went down the stairs, still somewhat disturbed by the sounds of Mr. Shark getting Snake out of his digestive system.

The professor had already gone down the stairs, into some other room of his mansion. However, you were instructed to wait outside with the others, so where Marmalade was wasn't important.

The massive road down was now hot, absorbing the heat from the sun. You had to find that out uncomfortably as you accidentally stepped on it.

You spent the rest of the way to the gates of the building speed walking there angrily, much to the chagrin of yourself.

Marmalade arrived at the "outside" of the house, quickly doing something to Wolf that you couldn't see, and ran over to you.

The rest of the Bad Guys followed Marmalade over to a nearby crossroad, you getting dragged along as well.

"A good person always pays attention to the needs of others. Now, here's a kindly, frail grandma."

The others laughed at Wolf, currently wearing a hat and some reading glasses. You were a little busy trying to not burn your feet on the sidewalk, which was somehow even hotter than the road before.

"Mr Piranha, help grandma across the street."

Of course, Mr. Piranha was actually successfully doing that, before Tarantula mocked him.

One unfortunate accident later, that Wolf somehow survived with no injuries, you were back inside the house, this time in the backyard.

While the teaching was going on, you were busy thinking about if The Bad Guys could actually change.The cat scrambled back up the tree as the Bad Guys continued trying to get it down from the tree.

After several failed attempts at getting the cat down from the tree, Marmalade was getting a bit desperate.

In a frustrated tone, Marmalade was clearly a bit mad at the heist crew. "Okay, what are you good at?"

"Stealing stuff."

"Oh yeah, we're great at that."



"Wire fraud."

Okay, so just...stealing things in general. They listed a few more things like extortion and tax evasion, and heists.

"Wait, heists, you say?" Marmalade seemed interested in the mention of heists. You were completely separate from the conversation, and was just listening to it at that point.

"I might just have an idea..."

A few minutes later, you found yourself sitting next to the Bad Guys in a limousine. Shark's seat had a small bump above it, allowing some extra space for Shark's, well...everything.

In the limo on the way to the place Marmalade wanted to show to the Bad Guys, you inched ever so slightly closer to Ms. Tarantula. "So, uh..."

Tarantula rubbed the back of her head, and you felt the awkwardness of the situation immediately.

"Why did you do it?"

You were confused at the question.

"I mean, how did you catch us?"

"Simple. I tracked down what you usually do first, then I disrupted the pattern. You go to the security surveillance room, and make sure it goes well. I stopped you, so the rest of the plan was unable to work."

Tarantula hummed in thought, turning away from you.

"C'mon don't make me feel guilty about stopping you." You said, in an effort to comfort the arthropod."I kill them most of the time, you should feel lucky."

A silence came between the both of you, and you fiddled with your sleeves awkwardly.

"Look, if it makes you feel better, it was nothing personal. The directors wanted your gang gone, so I have to deal with that."

Tarantula turned towards you, still avoiding direct eye contact, but clearly trying to talk to you.

"I guess...I guess it does feel better. Like, it was nothing personal, just the way of life. Plus, even if you hadn't shown up, some other person would have caught us eventually..."

"So I guess I can sort of forgive you for stopping us."


The limousine turned a hard left, and the window turned dark, most likely from the shade of a building.

"That...is an animal testing lab."

The rest of the Bad Guys had already piled near Marmalade for a closer look.

Sheep mentality.

You looked outside the window too, as you wanted to know what Marmalade was showing them, and you, by extension.

Sunnyside laboratories? 

Creepy Crawlies (Ms. Tarantula x Spider!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now