"Well, my friends are the only people I know who don't get on my case about every little thing," Brian spewed, obviously ready to have it out with Roger.

Roger simply shook his head, sitting back down on the sofa. "See what we're doing? We're fighting. Again. The reason I kept suggesting we go out for an evening was so we could resolve these problems, not make more." Roger's voice was calm and quiet, as he wasn't in the mood for a fight.

Brian on the other hand, was ready to go a few rounds with the younger man. "It's the only way we ever solve anything! Hell, it's the only time I ever get to talk to you, since all you do all day is ignore me."

"I don't ignore you! I'm letting you cool down, there's no use in talking when you're mad." Roger folded his arms across his chest, frustrated with how stubborn Brian was. Not that he was any less stubborn.

"I said I was sorry, the minute I came in the door. Isn't that good enough?"

Roger turned to look at Brian, angry tears pooling in his eyes. "That's all you do, Brian. All you do is apologize, say you'll do differently, and then you never do. You've promised me things, but you never go through with them. You've told me you were going to try to change, but you don't. And all we do is fight, I'm sick of fighting with you all the time, Bri, why can't things be like they were before?"

Brian shook his head, not wanting to answer that with things he would later regret saying, and went upstairs. He was trying to change, but Roger didn't give him enough time. They'd been going at it almost every night for the past few months, so who could blame him, right?

Roger curled up on the couch, pressing his face against a pillow before tears began to fall from his eyes. He had his faults, and he knew it. He even tried to correct them. But Brian? The man didn't even see what was wrong with his behavior.

Roger sat up, wiping his face with his sleeve when he heard Brian's footsteps coming down the stairs. His eyes landed on the duffel bag Brian was carrying on his shoulder.

"Brian? W-what are you doing?" Roger stood up, approaching the older man with caution.

Brian stopped and turned to face the blonde, but his eyes stayed on Roger's chin, not wanting to meet those beautiful baby blues. "I honestly think it would be best if I..moved out for a day or two. Three at the most. It's be good for both of us, don't you think?"

On the inside, Roger was screaming that it would be horrible, terrible, if Brian wasn't with him. But on the outside, he smiled a sad smile and slowly nodded his head. If this is what Brian wanted, then shouldn't he at least allow him this? Besides, how bad could it be, since it was only a few days?

Almost a week had passed since Brian left, and Roger had no contact whatsoever with him. There was no way for him to reach the older man, and even if he did, what could Roger say to him?

"'s all my fault," Roger mumbled to himself. "I wanted him to change so much. 'm just so damn selfish."

Roger sat up, his stiff back screaming from having been in bed almost a full day. He considered getting something to drink, maybe some Scotch or some vodka, but what good would that do? He'd get drunk and wake up with a pounding head and a sore body, but his situation would remain the same.

He needed his Brian.

"What did you wish for?" Roger asked Brian, as soon as he reopened his eyes.

The pair were on the roof of Brian's building, watching the night sky. A shooting star had passed and both young men made a wish.

"If I tell you, it won't come true." Brian grinned at Roger, passing him the bottle of beer they were sharing.

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