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I'm standing still, directly across from Jonah as he calls after Abby. Thankfully, he doesn't chase after her. That would make an already uncomfortable situation that much more so.

When Abby disappears, turning the corner and into the hallway, Jonah grows quiet. He's staring longingly at the spot she disappeared, tucking his hands into his front pockets.

I've seen that look before. The forlorn eyes, the crest-fallen and torn creased forehead. He looks like he's just escaped the sinking Titanic, only to realize the love of his life missed the last life boat.

After a moment he turns his attention back to me.

"Is this the part where you drag me out by my shirt collar?" He asks. It's a little bitter, but more so dejected.

"Or you could just walk out." I tilt my head towards the elevator.

He looks at me distatefully, then turns towards the exit. I fall into step with him, walking side by side.

"You can drop the act." Jonah states plainly, voice dripping with sarcasm as he mutters under his breath. "Although I'm sure it would've been the performance of a life time."

"What act?" I reply, slightly confused.

"The protective boyfriend act." Jonah answers as we approach the elevator doors. "I think it's a little late for that, don't you think?"

Despite the fact that I'd just overheard him calling me a fraud, among many other unkind words, I'm doing my best to keep my cool with him. Lord knows my job has caused Abby enough problems, I'm not trying to make things even more difficult in her personal life by making an enemy of her closest friend. I can't exactly hate the guy for thinking I'm not good enough for her, not when I'd messed up with her already on more than one occasion. Even my own teammates disapproved of the way I'd handled things with Abby, it only makes sense that her best friend would be even more unhappy about it.

That being said, the guy wasn't making this any easier for me. I have no problems with an overprotective best friend, but I didn't exactly feel overjoyed at the idea of being lectured about hurting Abby, by the guy who'd just broken her heart.

I don't think I've ever really appreciated that before, but best friends can break hearts as easily as a romantic partner, if not more.

"It's complicated." I reply, jamming my finger into the down button on the elevator pad.

"You've treated her like shit since day one, now you're here, swooping in to save the day." Jonah scoffs. "Your bad cop strategy didn't work so now you're playing the protective boyfriend card to get answers?"

I wish this guy would just shut up. I know he's having a rough day, but he has to see that this isn't helping Abby's cause. He's practically admitting that he knows Abby is still hiding information from me. I'd bet my life he knows what it is too.

"Abby's the smartest person I know." He states, plainly. "She'll see through you and whatever other games you're playing at."

I can hear the sound of the elevator wires pulling and groaning off to the side. I know the doors to the lift will open soon.

"I'm not playing any games." I face him directly. "I'm just trying to make things right with her."

Until I Found YouHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin