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When Mike first woke up that morning, he knew he felt strange. After a full night of sleep, he felt more exhausted than he did the night before and his stomach ached with pain. He groaned and leaned against his bed frame, fearing he'd collapse otherwise. He felt weak on his feet and that at any moment he would crumble.

According to the clock, it was only 6 in the morning, but it felt much earlier.

He groaned. Might as well start the morning.

Leaning most of his weight on the wall, Mike carefully made his way to the closet, grabbing himself a fresh pair of clothes. He put them under his arm as he slowly walked to the restroom. Feeling his stomach turn again, he raced to the toilet, crouching down in front of it. His nausea seemed to go away on its own, though...for the most part. Mike still felt awful, but he didn't feel the need to throw up anymore.

He sighed and set his clothes on the sink counter, now beginning to pull off his pajamas. Maybe a nice shower might help a little.

That it did. Not by much but enough that Mike decided he felt well enough to continue his morning. He changed into the new pair of clothes without much trouble. He stepped out of the restroom, one hand leaning against the railing, the other holding his stomach as he walked down the stairs as carefully as he could.

Mike was leaning over as he walked, his pain on and off. Finally, he got to the bottom of the stairs and threw his pajamas into the laundry pile on the ground.

He sighed once he saw how big that pile had become. Mike added "laundry" to his mental notes of things he had to do.

Mike rubbed his eyes, trying to stay awake as he swayed on his feet. Stumbling slightly and using the wall for extra support, he went to the kitchen, intending to make breakfast. But the simple thought of breakfast made Mike's stomach turn. He groaned and made his way to the living room. He was so tired. It was still pretty early in the morning, he could cook for the guys later.

He laid down on the couch. He groaned, the pain in his stomach returning. He pulled off his hat and rested it on his chest, wrapping both arms around his stomach. His whole body began throbbing with pain. He groaned and shifted around, trying to find any way to ease the pain. When nothing seemed to, he groaned and closed his eyes.

Mike didn't remember falling asleep, he didn't intend to. At some point, he must've fallen asleep by accident.

When he woke up, his body ached and felt sore, but he couldn't remember doing anything that would've caused the discomfort. His eyes slowly opened and all he could see was green. His hat.

He closed his eyes and sighed, lifting his arm. He expected to be able to simply pull it off from over his head, but wasn't able to.

Mike groaned and threw his leg over the side of the couch. Normally there would be ground there, but this time there wasn't. He yelped and fell, eventually landing on solid ground and tangling himself in his own hat.

After a moment of thrashing around and struggling with it, he was able to get the hat off of him and stared down at it. It looked so big in his hands. Mike frowned and put it on. Instead of it simply sitting on his head, it somehow went all the way down to his ankles. He was able to get himself out of it again and let out a sigh.

Looking down at it, Mike made his way over to the coffee table. He only wanted to set it down there for a moment, but froze when he got there. He couldn't even see the top of it, it was so big.

Frowning, Mike looked at the world around him. Everything suddenly seemed so giant to him. He began to wander around the pad, hat still in his hands.

It was when he passed the mirror that it really began to sink in. In the full length mirror in the hall, Mike could only see the top of his head.

Mike was too shocked to be frightened. Looking around the room one final time, a feeling of dread came over him as he saw how small he was compared to the rest of the room.

He bit his lip as he looked down at his giant hat. He held it to his chest tightly as he got down onto the ground. He closed his eyes and curled himself in a ball, hiding under his hat.

Mike didn't know if he had ever felt so small, so helpless, before in his life.

Petite MichelWhere stories live. Discover now